“They Overcame Satan by the Blood of the Lambkin & by the Word of their Testimony.”
Revelation 12:11
Choose a category in the drop-down with the area you want to read about victories from our brothers and sisters in Christ!
Diona T./June 2023
Hi brother Mike,
I was in Zoom meeting on Wednesday and when brother Rick was praying I felt such a release of heaviness and when Stephanie prayed I just kept crying feeling like a release too. It felt great and I slept so good with no pain from bone the spurs in my neck. No desire for weed to relieve the pain. Praising God I am getting free! I am continuing the miracle list and learning about ‘ought’ and unforgiveness to myself and others by watching your YouTube videos.
Thank you for continued prayers for my healing and deliverance from Lupus, Hashimoto, and Connective Tissue disease. I am thanking God for you guys at AZDC for allowing Him to use you guys to help so many!
Matt T./AU/June 2023
Praise God for all you, your wife and your team do. I’m not sure how I stumbled acroess your Hard Core Christianity site but Thank God I did. Your teachings are so valuable. 4 years since being born again and not getting taught on Unclean Spirits etc from Church. Deliverance ministries in Churches should be at the fore front not swept under the carpet
Kevin C./May 2023
Just wanted to share something with you..
I had run into your website when looking at deliverance, then starting watching your YouTube. At first I thought it was interesting and weird but I pressed though and I like your truth speaking and style of delivery to set people free. I have listened to only the first 2 videos of the deliverance training program. So far the biggest take that has really helped is the wrong/ bad thoughts that are not mine. Now just with the catching of those thoughts and recognizing they are not mine, The Mind of Christ has much more meaning and dominance. I just wanted to share this and say thank you for what you do. I look forward to the continuing to watch the rest of the course.
Roxanne D./May 2023
I am writing to let you know I followed your last video about the spirit of rejection. I got healed from a cracking arm. I followed your deliverance session I kept on yawning and crying. I know many demons flew out.
Chris H./May 2023
I just wanted to share my love in Christ & gratitude to hardcore christianity for all I have learned from you. I am dealing with some medical issues but your ministry has taught me a more combative faith. My encouragements.
Bronco H./Apr. 2023
I listened to one of your sermons last night – “skid row” and prayed along with the people your people were working with. I slept really well, better than in a long time but… I woke up to a “nice” message from this spirit in me.
Lisa H./April 2023
Hi Mike
I was at the deliverance event a couple of months ago in Emporia KS. I meant to send something sooner for my testimony but what I typed up initially just seemed incomplete. I decided to wait to see what God wanted to reveal and have me share. I did not realize that I would be going thru with deliverance at the same time I was writing it out. God is good and faithful all the time. Amazing to receive the gift of a mother’s love after all these years. It gave me courage to no longer be afraid and let her go. My heart is so full of joy. I don’t ever remember feeling like this. Anyway, I wanted to share and encourage you in the crazy times we live in to keep up the good fight and never let the enemy snuff out the gift God gave you to help in setting the captives free.
Blessings in Christ
Nicola J./April 2023
Hi Mike Just to let you know that because of your ministry you have saved my life and my children and a ripple effect for my family. Val broke a generational curse off me. My son has been healed. No ADHD, Completely off Ritalin and his marks are up 20% (a miracle). He has been offered a sports scholarship with a high school for next year. No more failure and setback.
Orsi F./April 2023
Bro. Mike, I was sooo stupid, so so stupid. I was listening to your latest video and I realized that I was soo deceived. Because I had such passion for Christ and revival and had 0 discernment I had the crazy stupid idea that if I understand and some how through intercession I remove the powers that are controlling the world leaders they will be able to be saved and healed and they will have great testimonies that will cause many to be saved. And now I know that I got all my troubles because of this and these demons are so powerful and I’m so sorry, so very sorry and I repent. I wasted so many years with this stupidity and I really want to get delivered and do the right thing. I will be on Zoom Wednesday and as long as it takes.
Dorothy Z./Apr. 2023
Just ordered this (and your books) and I’m so excited to receive all! Thank you so much Bro.Mike for all your labor and obeisance to serve Abba and our Beloved Messiah!! Prayers for Father’s merciful love, grace, peace an protection to you, yours and all always!!
Joanna T./April 2023
Hi Brother Mike,
Praise God for you, Stephanie, and the rest of your ministry team! For several months, our 4-year-old daughter has had 1-2 hours long tantrums every day and in the middle of every night. She inflicted pain on herself by throwing herself to the ground, causing bruises on her knees and legs. She also scratches herself leaving red marks on her body. This comes from a girl who is very afraid of pain, cries and announces to everyone the tiniest scratch on her finger. We tried to deliver her, distract her, love her, spend more time with her, analyzed her social/spiritual/physical states to the point we could probably have written a thesis on her lol. We reached out to you, and thank God Stephanie called. Surprisingly, she wanted to deliver me! I told her I repented my desire of aborting my daughter and forgave everyone who hurt me. Over the phone, Stephanie tried to deliver me without success because I told her I already repented everything and forgave everyone. Later on, I realized how wrong I was and how much I deceived myself. So I asked Stephanie to deliver my husband instead haha. Stephanie graciously agreed and was generous of her time. Demons flew out of him left and right during their phone conversations. Afterwards, my husband and I worked at your Miracle List SLOWLY, praying and repenting over EVERY incident with EVERY person. I wanted to do a generic prayer for all people on my list for Step 1, but my husband encouraged me to physically WRITE down the list, and patiently prayed for every incident with everyone with me silently (after he finished his Step 1). Finally, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that I STILL have spirit of rejection for my 4yo daughter (even though I repented my desire to abort her years ago). I never realized how much negative emotions I had toward her in recent months (when her symptoms started). I thought my husband and I love our kids more than any parent love theirs, we both have spent more time with our kids than anyone we know, and have diligently raised her to be set apart for God’s Kingdom since birth. Miraculously, after I repented my spirit of rejection and negative emotions and release them to God completely (took several hours because couldn’t succeed initially), our 4yo daughter INSTANTLY changed back to her sweet and unburdened self from before! My husband and I were shocked to see the dramatic and sudden change at her face and body posture, as if she sensed the spirit of rejection left! We never knew how sensitive she is to the spirit realm. My husband realized our daughter is sensitive to the spirit of rejection and abandonment because he has generations of abandonment in his family tree. He was abandoned by his parents often since birth, and his dad is an orphan. Your list is truly a miracle list! And we are only at Step 1! Also my husband and I have been watching your videos for several years. Understanding your teachings gives us supernatural peace (especially during COVID times) and discernment which we are still learning. We listened to you guys almost daily to stay renewed and spiritually fed. Thank you Stephanie for praying for us, for your time
making the phone call, for speaking with love and patience and faith, and give us good insights of our spiritual warfare. We love your ministry team and will continue to pray for all of you.
With much gratitude,
Henry O./Mar. 2023
My name is Hank Ortega and in 2017, broken and surrendered, I used your website to conduct a self guided deliverance. Scared and with only a mustard seed of Faith I followed your (God’s) instructions on the site. Upon praying accordingly, I proceeded to be delivered beyond my wildest expectations. It changed the course of my life; at that moment I knew He was real. Praise the Lord.
Carol R./Feb 2023
Bro Mike, I want to express my gratitude to you!! I thank Jesus so much for guiding me to you and the Hardcore Ministry Team. It brings tears to my eyes 😭 how much this ministry is helping me with healing and deliverance. I have been working on the Miracle List and having my deliverance calls with Stephanie!! She has been so supportive and I have been experiencing powerful deliverance with her. I am so grateful to the Holy Spirit! Praise God for the anointing He has given you. I have learned soooo much by watching your teaching videos.
Vicki M./Feb. 2023
Hardcore Christianity is special to me because it teaches you how to fight, and everyone on the team believes in freedom from bondage. I had been in deliverance for a couple years before finding Hardcore Christianity and my thought process was maybe God wants to deliver me from this or maybe not. But I have learned from HCC that if you are repenting and don’t live in willful sin you will be delivered from the bondage’s Satan has put on you. When I watch bro Mike’s teachings I usually take notes because there is deep information that I have never heard before and I don’t want to forget it.
Kathy N./Feb. 2023
Good morning,
I got my package this week, thank you for being so prompt. I have been following your teachings since 2010 and you have opened my eyes to a whole new world. Your miracle list does work as I was delivered and healed of stage 4 breast cancer this past August. If it hadn’t been for your ministry I would’ve given in to my diagnosis and died. The sad part about all of this is no one here knows about deliverance. Such as: is it real, why we need deliverance, how demons enter our bodies, etc. That’s the easy part to relate to people. The hard part is: we don’t have to accept it and deliverance is Biblical. A while back you had an 18 series set of videos that explained those questions and much more. These were amazing. I need those!!!! Please say yes!!! I will pay you for those if you will send them to me.
Thank you
Deb C./Feb. 2023
Hi Brother Mike, Just a quick note to tell you how much your teachings, deliverance, and ministry have changed my life. Did the miracle list twice several years ago. Changed everything about the way I live. Then I started watching Steps To Freedom. Changed up more and more. Then you sent Stephanie into my life. She delivered me from a ton of evil. Stephanie taught me to speak in tongues. Taught me to deliver myself from demons. Changed the way I pray and think about other people.
Tywan A./Feb. 2023
I want to express my gratitude for you and your team and the AZ Deliverance Center. It’s been one week now since I have been delivered from the demon of lust (and possibly others). I have had no desire to watch porn or to masturbate at all. I feel happier and healthier. I also have the desire to pray in tongues more on a regular basis. Thank you for what you do.
Rachel M./Feb. 2023
Hello brother Mike. Hope that you are doing fine. I am going once again through the miracle list so I am at the 7th point. Since the day I started to speak in tongue on September 2022, I’ve never ceased to do it throughout the day. About the 1st point the only persons who truly hurt me in my entire life was my sister and her husband. I was actually fasting and praying for their heart to be transformed by God and their house to be blessed with the fruit of the womb when spirits started to go out of me. The love for my dad is actually the reason I moved back from the USA to my home country so we are on pretty good terms. I have already apologized to him for breaking his dreams for me and for any wrong that I may have done to him. I am looking for the time to watch again your teaching “miracles blocker.”
I am also trying to arrange my schedule to be able to attend the zoom sessions.
Thank you a lot for your precious help. May God continue to bless you.
Tina P./Feb. 2023
I am devouring the deliverance teachings on the flashdrive. The teachings are so practical and not shrouded in mystery. I could never get this from a church. Since listening to these teachings, I learned that I was being lied to by the church. I have always wanted to know as much as I could about deliverance.
Tasheika G./Feb. 2023
It as been years since you have sent the Miracle List concerning my family. It has been a whirlwind of attacks since I received your response and for a time I forgot about the email. One of my best friends has been inquiring of me to do prayer meets and bible studies with her since we have recently relocated to my home state of Louisiana. She inquired a month ago and I have been distracted for so long you probably just obeyed Our Father and did your part and thought nothing but it did not fall on bad ground! I started to get my business affairs in order this morning and found the printout of this very email in my prayer journal. I am at step four in that guideline and I can feel the pressure starting to literally release in my mind and physically in my chest. This will take time but just acknowledging half of the things that have tormented my mind has alleviated much anguish in my soul, to the point I can feel a physical release (which I didn’t expect). I have much more to do but I had to reach to you and say thank you for being obedient, I thank God for the direction, and I pray that this coupled with fasting will break the hold over my bloodline for the next generations after me.
Victoria J./Feb. 2023
Just watched Phil 4. Mind Healers. Mind Miracles Nov’22 and wanted to say thanks for the study! I’ve learned so much. I believed the LIE that the Lord doesn’t need my praise … I read a long time ago that God was vain and did not know that He was wise and all powerful except that I tell Him. I felt kinda silly praising God never mind praising Him in my sufferings which was impossible to do. I’ve been delivered and set free. Hallelujah.
Cheryl Y./Feb. 2023
I wanted to share my praise report with you. I was at the ADC last month with my ministry friends from Minnesota and I had a one on one meeting with Erica. It was a powerful deliverance.
One of the biggest obstacles I had was food addiction. Specifically sugar addiction. I had received deliverance before for gluttony; lust for food etc. Nothing seemed to help. I had gained 30 pounds in less than two years. My clothes didn’t fit anymore. I was self conscious and miserable because I could not control my eating. I decided I would use all my might and go on a serious diet. In May of last year – I ate only 1200 to 1500 cal a day and walked 2 to 4 miles every day for a month. I didn’t lose a pound. In fact, I gained some. That is when I knew for sure this was a spiritual demonic issue.
When I met with Erica we dug deep into relationship issues, demons of doubt, all sorts of things. I came home from Arizona and I committed to the Lord; A two week fast from sugar. All sugar. I didn’t eat a piece of fruit even. It was such a pleasure to do that for the Lord. After two weeks I started eating fruit and went back to my sugary coffee creamer. But after a few days I just started feeling yucky and I realized I don’t even really like sugar anymore!
It was so wonderful to meet you and the team at Arizona deliverance center.
God is SO FAITHFUL!! Oh how I love Him! I’m so grateful. See you all again soon.🙏
Kimbo T./Jan. 2023
I tell you, there is God in this list, God is real in this list.
Approach with a humble Heart, with a Heart that truly wants to know God.
I magnify the Name of Jesus, I glorify my my KING, my Lord, my Savior, my Redeemer,
Jessica P./Jan 2023
The perverted spirit in my brain left yesterday after I watched your show Sunday. When u said it’s the spirit in brain putting things in my mind and it’s not you & you don’t want it there. My brain screamed inside and a terror went through my mind when I realized it wasn’t me all those years, since I was young. I think the demon got scared when I actually got it, that it wasn’t me. I just went in the bathroom at work the next night and told it to leave after 5 minutes it was gone & all those gross images are gone.
Aaron C./Dec. 2022
The Lord put you on my heart this morning. My wife and I were just talking about how grateful we are for all your teachings this last year. AND for all the hands on training you’ve given us at your gatherings. It truly has been so amazing – I believe my wife and I will look back over the years and reminisce about how you and your team were an integral part for us fulfilling our destiny. Its so cool how Jesus can connect people over state lines. May His kingdom advance and may the Kingdom of darkness be plundered every day.
All Glory to the King of Kings.
And thanks Bro Mike, we love you.
Jesse M./Dec. 2022
I did some preliminary prayer and repentance a few nights ago for people I harmed and prayed a blessing over them.
Started number 1 on the list early this morning. After I forgave the second person (who was linked to the first person) and released the ‘ought’ I took 7 deep breaths and visualized in faith evil coming out of me. Maybe a minute after the last breathe I coughed and vomited up demons. There was more to it but for the sake of your time that’s the main point. Pretty cool. Barely started and already receiving deliverance. I have high expectations that I will receive more as I pray through the process.
Thomas M./Nov. 2022
Brother Mike I wanted to let you know what you have done for me. To give you a little background I have been listening and watching you for about 2 years. I even bought your teachings on deliverance and healing. I watched the complete series but didn’t really put it to use.
About 8 months ago I woke with a headache and vertigo. As time went on the headache became chronic and the vertigo became worse and worse. I am a Navy Vet and went to the VA for help. They did every kind of test you could think of including having my eyes checked, ct-scan and so on. The Doctors still to this day cannot tell me why I have had a headache everyday for 8 months. They think they know the cause of the vertigo was from an accident I had in the Navy and I receive disability payments. But they just wanted to try different medication to manage the headaches. Every prescription had side effects that made my vertigo worse. So I didn’t use them. About 2 weeks ago I started in earnest watching your teachings again and got out your miracle list. After really taking your miracle list seriously, repenting and forgiving all that have wronged me and the list was long (including my brother) casting out demons and asking the Holy Spirit and Jesus to heal me….. I AM HEALED! I have not had a headache for well over a week my vertigo is gone and I am loving life and Jesus. I have other things being 70 years old that Jesus is healing but I am a new man in Christ. I don’t even take an aspirin…..
My plan now is to help others as you, Jesus and the Holy Spirit has helped me.
So thank you!
Skye S./Nov. 2022
Hi Brother Mike,
I just wanted to say thank you for your ministry. Your teaching and your ministry is critical to them body of Christ. I’ve been doing self deliverance for at least a decade and I feel comfortable in the deliverance circle since it’s part of my gifting. What your doing is critical to the body of Christ. And your teachings… Sooooooooo good. Everything you say about familiar spirits, word of faith, the NAR, etc… is spot on. Keep sounding the alarm and fighting the good fight.
Tony B./Nov. 2022
Hi Mike yes I asked for forgiveness but not like you worded it, so ask again with Godly sorrow. I must say I’ve been feeling better every day since I started the miracle list. I’m on day 5 just doing one each day so I can be thorough. It’s such a great approach, never tried something like this. rock is gone and you are an early bird! thank you Mike
Debra C./Nov. 2022
Hi Brother Mike, I watch your youtube channel every week Your teachings and the Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit and God Almighty have changed my life. Thank you.
Ashley l./Nov. 2022
I have learned so much about the Lord and how things work spiritually. We love tuning in live every week. I found your ministry last year and it has blessed me and my family more than you’ll ever know. I watched one of Bro Peter’s videos on your channel and The Holy Ghost met me right where I was. I had tremendous freedom and emotional healing that day. I also logged on to Bro Rick’s zoom that Wednesday night. He called out back pain and symptoms of MS and the next day all of the pain in my back was miraculously gone! I could also see better! The following week I logged on to the Zoom again. This time I had the courage to raise my hand for prayer and turn my camera on. Stephanie and Dani prayed for me one on one that night. I had even more deliverance and freedom. Stephanie also encouraged me to do the miracle list.
I started working on the miracle list right away the next day. Let me tell you that I immediately received so much more deliverance while doing the miracle list. I have never had such a sound mind and felt the Lord’s presence so strongly before. I was also hearing voices and had a few other mental health issues (fear, anxiety, racing thoughts) and they are totally gone! I want to thank you so much for your ministry, for your miracle list and for all of your teachings on YouTube. I know that I am fully healed in Jesus name. Thank you again for everything that you and your team do!
Doris I./Nov. 2022
I woke up this morning not even slightly depressed I had self regret self hate self rejection and Jesus healed my emotional mental illness. I do not recall ever in my life waking up happy maybe when I was a baby , my voice is also healed wow! I barracked myself with the word of God and the list.
Yessica R./Oct. 2022
Hello brother Mike, I am newer to your ministry and was saved by Jesus a year ago. I l know a person that lead me here to you all and I’m so thankful. I’ve been working on the miracle list and I watch all the YouTube videos as they come out as well as going on the zoom when I am able.
Marc T./Sept. 2022
You don’t know what this list means and how it’s transforming my whole family one by one!
Thank you
Ashley L./Sept. 2022
I hope you are doing well. I found your YouTube channel last year and it has blessed my family and I tremendously. We love tuning in on Thursday and Friday nights. I heard on one of your videos that you send covid vaccine religious exemptions.
Diana R./Sept. 2022
You changed my life with your deliverance teachings and the people at hardcore Christianity. You saved me with God.
Irene G./Aug. 2022
Your video on Rejection on YouTube (omega man interview) was my introduction to deliverance and meeting you all in Arizona. It is changing the course of my life for the better. To God be the glory! Amen
Priscilla F./Aug. 2022
Hi, my name is Priscilla Frost. I heard about you guys through Isaiah saldivar on YouTube he has a map of united states with people doing deliverance. That’s how I found out about your ministry. I called and did a one on one deliverance with Rick. I manifested for almost 4 hours…. thank God I got set free from some things. I continued to do deliverance on myself and read the Word. I decided to see you guys on a Friday for deliverance service. After the service a older woman with short gray haired prayed for me and agreed with me that I would be set free from HPV. I went to doc its gone! Same year I got healed from asthma! Doc had me take a test and draw blood. Asthma is gone! This was a year or 2 ago. I’m still free! I am healthy. I got set free from strongholds. I have a relationship with God. I pray everyday and read the word. My depression left. I wake up in mornings with joy. My anger left as well, Praise God. I will never be the same…. I pray that more people get set free and more people in Arizona do deliverance, since we are all called to do so. God, bless your ministry. Agape.
Lori Ann S./August 2022
Yes thank you! I have been working through the Miracle List and am almost done and have received so much more healing in my mind, body and soul. I was praying about getting our women together to watch the miracle list videos on your website. I printed out your Miracle list and put them out at the church for others. We wasted so much time on prayer and deliverance with so many that wouldn’t do their own part to be set free, so I definitely see how this list can help. If they truly want to be free and healed they will do the work. Again Thank you! Lori
Jesen J./July 2022
I know Holy Spirit is omnipresent and God can work anywhere. But I want to attend at least one meeting at the ADC. It is my ambition because God led me to watch ADC YouTube video and I learned about deliverance and now I’m far better than my past. I received speaking in tongues gift on my 42nd Birthday. Please make use of this ministry.
Missy M./July 2022
Praise God for Arizona deliverance center/Hardcore Christianity! Thank you Brother Francis for your message last night in Phoenix. Thank you sister Kelley and all the wonderful volunteers at Arizona deliverance center. Brother Mike and his team are shutting the enemy down delivering thousands of people and saving lives/souls for Jesus if you are already a Believer or in search of the truth of Gods word? Do you feel lost and not sure why you keep repeating the same cycles in life and living in pain, depression & disappointment? if you have addiction, anxiety, generational curses, God truly wants to heal you and set you free! There is a way out of the bondage & a way to break every chain & strong hold in every area of your life! God word is real
. Get set free today!
Kassy S./July 2022
Hi Mike,
I just wanted to say thank you so much for your ministry. The Lord supernaturally healed me on Thursday (just a day after I was ready to throw in the towel when I emailed you) and I experienced deliverance from the bitterness I had towards my mom. After 5 years of not speaking I reached out to her and apologized like you said to do. Just moments later I was hit with a lot of godly sorrow and experienced a huge deliverance. Me and my mom are now speaking and every single bad feeling I ever had towards her is completely GONE. It’s like nothing bad ever happened at all between us. IT’S REALLY WORKING!!!! It is truly a miracle and really mind-blowing. I will be doing the same thing with my father next. I shared your list with my friend Thank you so so much!
Clifford S./June 2022
I got onto the Zoom meeting this evening. My first time ever doing a video chat. I want to apologise because I was on for a couple hours and then I tried to type in that I am very happy and amazed because of the deliverance I received just by watching the videos of yours and by following the miracle list. I am so very excited and so full of Joy now that I understand who I fully am in Christ Jesus and I am just in love with the Truth so much! Thank you for everything and I know God is going to use me more and more to be a blessing to everyone I encounter! I truly understand know why I was held back from victory by believing lies of evil spirits that try and put thoughts in my mind that are not of God. I fully understand know how to combat this and continually have victory in this! I am a loved child of The Most High and I am very humble He has chosen me to be a beacon of light to this world! Be blessed brother!!!
Debbie C./June 2022
Hi Brother Mike, Praise God you are OK! I have been listening to you for several years. I try self deliverance like you showed us. It has worked over the years!! You have helped me so much.
Liza E./June 2022
Hello Bro. Mike, I meant to send a note expressing our profound gratitude to the Ministry.
The Lord led me to this Ministry via YouTube just when we needed it the most.
I called and left a message and Sis. Stephanie called back and ever since she has been so great with our daughter who has never had deliverance before. They literally had her admitted, then wanted her to go on medication but we knew better and was grateful Sis. Stephanie understood what was going on too. After just 2 sessions with our 16 year old, she was just a different person and has been like that ever since.
She is usually very, calm, kind, respectful but we noticed that last year she changed and will cry and be really upset when she can’t have her way which was unlike her. She started wanting to hang out with friends that she will never hang out with because she knows better. It was really getting tough on us. After doing a couple of sessions with Sis. Stephanie she literally became herself. Today, she even wore some jewelries that she ordered online and she told me she had PRAYED OVER THEM. Glory to God. So on top of that, she now has a better understanding of deep spiritual things. We thank God for her deliverance and we believe that who the Lord sets Free, is Free indeed.
Michele C./May 2022
Greeting Brother Mike! I just wanted to drop a note about my deliverance experience and ongoing emotional healing since I have began my journey with AZDC. I learned about you and have been listening to you for about a year. Prior, I believed in spiritual warfare (due to my occult background). I poked around your site a little and after much hesitation finally took the dive and visited the AZDC. The spirits did try to talk myself out of going, but thankfully the Spirit gave me the strength I needed to walk in and have a sit. I was a tad nervous, the first time I went was a Thursday, the teaching was excellent and I experienced some level of deliverance. I returned on Friday, again the teaching was over the moon excellent and resonated so much, you spoke on Joseph and Destiny. Again, I received deliverance. I was attacked. The 48 hour rule was so on spot! Thank you for continuing dialog via email with me during this time and helping me understand.
Susan T./May 2022
Wow Kelley – thank you so much. I dropped the check in the mail yesterday. I so appreciate AZDC ministry – what a game changer this ministry is in my life. I am very blessed and very grateful that Yahweh drew my attention to the HC Youtube channel. I hope and pray to get to Arizona again – hopefully with another family member. All the best to you – may Yahweh richly bless you, Mike, Karen, Rick and the whole team !
Lora D./April 2022
Thank you, really worked the list and slept so well last night.
Mary J./April 2022
I just want to say how much I appreciate this ministry! I don’t say much, but I watch all the videos and zooms. My life has dramatically changed from learning truth here and getting deliverance then living a life of freedom through Jesus.I love all of y’all!!!
Nicola J./South Africa/April 2022
Hi Mike
I just wanted to express my appreciation for your teachings.
This last one on offense was very well timed as a major issue in my family line. I was able to bring this out in the light and show how wounds needed to be healed etc. I was able to get my mom deliverance this last week so all very well timed! God us really using you! Thanks again
Dori E./April 2022
Thank you for advising me to bring my daughter last Saturday at 10. We were there and my little Sophie received deliverance and she continues to express how amazing she feels.
Calais D./April 2022
Mike i just wanna tell you I’m restarting the miracle list and also, you absolutely changed my life last night when you spoke about God’s love. I received MAJOR deliverance!
Denesia C./March 2022
I watched and did self-deliverance while you were doing deliverance on the live stream. Something huge came out when you commanded religion spirits out of that guy. Other things came out when you were casting out fear, low self-esteem, suicide, etc.. on the girl in the front. I repeated everything you prayed at the beginning and I commanded spirits out along with you. Thank you!
Fawne W./March 2022
Bro Mike, I pray you, your family and HCC are blessed! Thank you for your commitment to helping me and other Believers get set free in Jesus name, amen. As I have transitioned into MM community it’s with gratitude for your counseling gift and love that I’ve been able to have miraculous breakthroughs (Miracle List), and joyfully serve the Lord, all praise and glory to Holy Spirit and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Laura H./March 2022
My Testimony is deliverance through your ministry. I had years of IV Methamphetamine use and prostitution just to name the big ones. I started believing God could save me and seeking him through bible study and church activities for two years but was still using because I simply could not get free of it. Then one night I ran across one of your YouTube videos. You had a pastor on witnessing to the fact that he had tried fasting. He was a pastor he felt such a shame because he was falling back into old sins like marijuana and pornography and then he said he realized he could cast the demons out in Jesus name. The next morning that’s exactly what I did and I’ve been clean for five years! Thank you for doing God’s work. It changed my life!
Lililan C./March 2022
I just listened to the Keep my Commandments teaching. Lord spoke to me through you. Every word you spoke, every deliverance you command were tailored just for me. It was just like as we are face to face and you know everything about me. Thousands miles away from each other physically but side by side in the spirit. God used you Mike to set me free!
Mary J./Mar. 2022
You and Hardcore have changed my life for the better forever You are a true example of what great leadership is
Leah H./Feb. 2022
Thank you for having me meet with Julie on Thursday in an individual counseling session. I’ve attended brother Rick’s service and was there last night. I’m beyond grateful for the ministry and the healing and deliverance I’ve received!
Martina R./Feb. 2022
I was in the Wed night Zoom meeting. My back and arm are pain free. Thank you for teaching us how to fight. Martina
Marsha W./Feb. 2022
Hi Mike, just wanted to thank you so much for you and Beth’s work in helping me heal. You were the catalyst that started a wonderful healing after 12 yrs of chronic, debilitating pain–I lost almost everything in the process of this tragic pain! I now have HALF of the pain I use to–its almost completely gone. I want you to know how hard Beth worked for me and put up with me, too–she was patient and caring above more than anyone I know–and that is the truth! Thank you so much for your hard work in deliverance and healing. You’ve taught your students well! God began all of this and He knows what He’s doing! All honor and praise to God!!!! With much love and peace.
Karen F./Feb. 2022
Today is a much better day. Michael W. Smith called and I got the answers and confirmations that I needed. We prayed and the darkness and confusion has lifted. The daily war against the enemy’s lies is ON. Praying and singing in tongues is amazing for my spirit. Thank you all, may the Most High heap blessings upon you and cover you while we walk this valley. We are promised glory in Heaven. He has prepared a place for us….Thank you Father for the mercy, grace, peace, and for the fellowship of the Saints!
Perla A./Feb. 2022
From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank Bro. Mike, Rick, and many other servants there including Kelley. I cannot contain the great love and gratitude I have for this ministry- it is truly a gem. I was healed and delivered here from many soul wounds and evil spirits. I am so blessed to have encountered such incredible, anointed people of God. May God continue to bless this ministry. Please come here, you will never come out the same.
Mary J./Feb. 2022
I can’t believe I waited so long! Deliverance is awesome! I feel like a real born again Christian…Testimony time again! I know everything happens in Gods perfect time, and this journey as a Born again Believer working out my deliverance is just so rich with blessings. I shared last time that I have literally quit struggling with alcohol, like 100% gone!
Claudia M./Feb. 2022
Thank You for deliverance and help our family to get closer to Jesus Christ. Continues BLESSING others 🙏 🙌
Dorothea H./Jan. 2022
This is actually a praise report. As I watched the Thursday service last night, 3rd Feb. with bro. Rick towards the end he called out healing for lower back, hips, shoulders for pain to go. All pain left those areas on me as I believed in faith. I do desire to come to Arizona. It will happen in God’s timing and will. Til then I know there is no distance in God’s Spirit. Like the Centurion soldier, “just speak” and I receive it! amen God bless you!
Katie D.
Thank you for teaching about “Floating” on Saturday. That definitely describes me, especially the “circumstances control thinking and behavior.” Perfect example happened when I was watching this teaching. Before you even talked about “Floating”, I had to stop watching the video multiple times and click on other websites and then come back to the teaching. I couldn’t keep myself focused just on your video.
Thanks for helping me get set free.
Keith D./Dec. 2021
Thank you, what an amazing ministry. 27 years as a christian and I never heard about deliverance. I have had such amazing results so far. Tonight has been my 4th group night. I have been doing self deliverance for two weeks. And recently in sermons and other ministry times I have had deliverance sessions.
Sylvia C./Dec. 2021
Brother Mike thanks for your teaching this Thanksgiving weekend. Another layer of my decedent mom came out followed by tormentors. I love the Holy Spirit and his gentleness. God bless you and your ministry.
Monica C./Nov. 2021
Thank you brother Mike for so much help for the Past 14 months of your teachings I’ve been delivered from many spiritual curses and every day. Hallelujah Jesus. listening to you teach your videos have opened up my eye’s heart and understanding how demons work.
Kim T./Nov. 2021
Thanks pastor. I’ve been doing deliverance since when covid started last year. Your ministry has taught me loads and I’ve used your materials and the List many times. Thanks for your faithfulness to Him
Sylvis C./Nov. 2021
A friend sent me the video you did five years ago re: Ushering In The Holy Ghost. I tried it and BOOM CHACA LACA! God showed me to do this meditation at night before I fall asleep. I have another version I do in the morning with the Lord.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving with your family. God bless you!
Thank you,
Kathy M./Nov. 2021
Thanks for the help. I love listening to you teach. Everything makes so much sense. You sent me this self deliverance Miracle List to do. It was very helpful. I went through the whole plan and there were things that i needed. I want to help others as I can see so many need it, including my own family. As the end draws closer ppl are gonna need help. I am hoping to come to AZ some time.
Jeff B./ Oct. 2021
Hello Mike,
I followed your list and it worked well. I was not successful getting them out on my own. So I prayed God would send someone in my path. He sent not one but two people. Both times I threw up. I believe they are all gone now. Praise Jesus. I am now working to stay filled with Holy Spirit so they don’t return.
Philippa M./Oct. 2021
May God bless the works of your hands and thank you for the List and for giving me hope for a better future.
DeAnna W./Oct. 2021
Dear Bro. Mike, Thank you for all your hard work with HCC, and thank you for the hard work of everyone else who contributes. I understand that this isn’t a field for the faint of heart. I came to visit last summer, and it changed my life in a way that was revolutionary. I am thankful for everyone there at the Arizona Deliverance Center. I watch the videos on you tube frequently, and I have been watching for 4 years now. I enjoy every one. I even intend to buy the deliverance training course on flash drive. I hope I can visit you all again very soon. Thank you for your time,
Stephanie G./Oct. 2021
The children’s deliverance was absolutely amazing! Kelly was the one who came and prayed for every single one of us and ended in prayer with us speaking truth through the Holy Spirit about the calling on our lives and the ministry God has for us. She handled my children and I with great gentleness in the fruit of the Spirit and I’m so very very grateful! Rao, even blessed us with some Kiwi to take home, which is very nice.
Bethany W./Sept. 2021
I know that you are a humble man but I want to thank you for your miracle list and ministry. God is transforming and renewing my life and family in a way that I don’t think I could have achieved without the guidance of your list. I know I’m out of state but if there is ANY way I can serve you and your ministry, it would be an honor.
Virginia L./Sept. 2021
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank your kind, astute, Holy Spirit filled staff for the gentle attention given me and my family. I have worked your miracle list and it’s amazing to have my mind back, Thank-you again Mike. So, I’ve been learning to become a disciple of Christ Jesus’ and am praying, more often than not.
Karen H./Sept. 2021
Thank you for your support, guidance & passion for your work. It has been the most incredible 3 days of my life and it’s just the beginning. I am a warrior and focused on God and receiving his healing. You have an amazing team!! I went to AZDC after Middletons & they had just dumped the water before we got there about 11:45. Pete & Tim volunteered and took me to the pool at Tim’s place to baptize me. Incredible. My walking improved immediately. I’m at the airport and haven’t had muscle spasm pain in my back/side since either. I’m exhausted but a warrior!!!! I have a new view on life and understand my past so much better. Forward!!! Thank you so much!!! I am so grateful
Bo S./Sept. 2021
I loved being there on Friday to hear you teach on Spiritual Warfare and see deliverance afterwards. It was a powerful teaching. Thank you for being so sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and leading as you shared God’s Word with us. I wanted to share a praise with you. Since finding your ministry I realized I have never received the gift of tongues for my personal prayer life. In fact, I had never asked for it because I thought it was limited to speaking in tongues publicly. This morning I prayed for the Holy Spirit to give me this gift and teach me how to speak in tongues and guess what. He answered that prayer and I was speaking and singing in tongues for over half an hour this morning. I wanted to let you know this success and let you know I’m so excited at how the Lord is working in my life. I want to use this to help heal my sons of Autism and Epilepsy. Praise God for your ministry.
Carol B./Sept. 2021
It was suggested to watch: Seminar Soul Ties: Time To Cut Ties Of Your Past So God Can Move You Forward. OH MY GOODNESS, THANK YOU JESUS! I strongly recommend watching this and getting delivered after Mike is done explaining what soul ties are. I was weeping with repentance, sorrow for hurting my Father and Jesus, it was miraculous. Soul ties are gone from so many things, not just people, I didn’t know you could have a soul tie with food, cars, possessions beside people. Eye opener it was.
Pam M./Sept. 2021
You were right about the List, just a brief update… I am working with the list and can not believe how God is using your ministry! I thank you so much! I appreciate the caution to slowly go down this list… it is triggering tremendous things- so grateful!
Pam M./Sept. 2021
You were right, just a brief update… I am working with the list and can not believe how God is using your ministry!! I thank you so much!! I appreciate the cautioning to slowly go down this list… it is triggering tremendous things- so grateful! I believe that things are in his timing, he never fails!
Bo S./Sept. 2021
Brother Mike, I loved being there on Friday to hear you teach on Spiritual Warfare and see deliverance afterwards. It was a powerful teaching. Thank you for being so sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and leading as you shared God’s Word with us. I wanted to share a praise with you. Since finding your ministry I realized I have never received the gift of tongues for my personal prayer life. In fact, I had never asked for it because I thought it was limited to speaking in tongues publicly. This morning I prayed for the Holy Spirit to give me this gift and teach me how to speak in tongues and guess what. He answered that prayer and I was speaking and singing in tongues for over half an hour this morning. I wanted to let you know this success and let you know I’m so excited at how the Lord is working in my life. I want to use this to help heal my sons of Autism and Epilepsy. Praise God for your ministry.
Rosa F./Aug. 2021
Since I’ve been coming to AZDC I have been healed!! Of chronic constipation, racing thoughts, and not being able to sweat. I can sweat now!! Thank you holy spirit and thank you Mike.
Joshua T./Aug. 2021
Hi bro Mike, just got out of the zoom deliverance meeting and I got some real freedom today. Praise God for your ministry that helps people like me.
Lisa M./Aug. 2021
I have been blessed by your teaching! All I can say is wow….Please send me the self deliverance List !
I am in Michigan. I would love to share my testimony with you after my deliverance…
Thank you
Kathy D./July 2021
Thank you! All glory to God🙌 I am heading home tomorrow without the demons running my mind in automatic. Had great deliverance, especially Friday night and then several tests which I was able to overcome on Saturday. I plan on coming back again at the end of August God willing. Thanks again for all you do, I feel like I’m brand new💃🙇💕
Debbie D./July 2021
Just stopping by to tell you that your list and video on rejection are really helping me. Thank God for your life.
Jennifer B./July 2021
My dream is complete! God can take me home now 😂 Michael W. Smith HCC in my heart forever you have no idea how much y’all have helped me. I’m going home different than I came. Melissa Taft you got that big one out that I’ve been crying to the Lord about. Never expected to get a one on one. That was amazing and a blessing from God. My voice is still shaky from that thing screaming. Lots of love to everyone that keeps ADC running!!
Marissa M./July 2021
Hello! I have been coming to the center since February when I had my one on one with Melissa. Since then I have come 3x per month and have received much deliverance. I am working on the Miracle List.
What a sorry carnal Christian i was for 25 years! So grateful for your honest words that are life changing.
My husband, myself and my two teens are moving to India for a year and we leave Aug 2. I plan on watching online, doing Miracle list, doing the deliverance training on the flash drive and hopping on the women’s zoom calls while over there. Thank you for your prayers and wonderful ministry. Always in my prayers!
Tracy H./June 2021
A bunch of spirits came out! All glory to God! 😭 😭
They were very violent. I pulled a muscle. All that repenting and the list. Ty bro. Mike. I know it’s a process. Layers, wounds. I know… Ty again for being diligent in seeking the Lord and ministers of the past to figure that dang SMI out. Tell Melissa TY!
Kari L./May 2021
I want to take a minute to THANK YOU for this ministry! It has changed my life – Since the night on zoom, where I had a block, and from coming out to AZ in April where Melissa was able to get to it and get some true deliverance, I thank you for all of it! God has freed me from control, rebellion, a selfish attitude, and even a hate/murder spirit. My thinking has changed so much – each time it took me a few days to figure out what was different about me but I then realized my brain had changed and I would never think the way I used to bc I was now free. I know there’s more work to do but I feel so joyous about what God is doing in my life in this area.
I have been watching your training videos from Saturdays but the last two nights have been so powerful – with Rick and also your teaching last night. Both nights I watched and worked through the deliverance. Last night when you helped the woman from Romania with the 5 husbands – I got healing right along with her. PRAISE GOD! And then you helped the lady speak in more tongues – I had believed that same lie and when I repented for believing that there wasn’t’ more for me, I had much more released and started praying new words/syllables! It was JOYOUS! God is so faithful and I am just in AWE at deliverance and how quick God is to heal us!
THANK YOU BROTHER – from the bottom of my heart. I hope to come back out to Arizona again this year. I am also getting on the phone with Melissa as well. She is a gift! This is the answer to what everyone needs, and I know most don’t even know it.
I wanted to share this with you and encourage you, I am sure you hear that often but God is using you mightily and I thank God for you, your staff and the work you so freely do for others. I pray God uses me as I get healed.
Christina V./May 2021
I was in a couple of weeks ago on a Friday night. Julie sat with me for quite some time while I was being delivered. Then, that night at 11:00 p.m., I randomly stopped vaping. I had been addicted to nicotine for over 11 years. I vaped constantly; it was always in my hand. I would also supplement vaping with nicotine mints. It’s been two weeks now, and I did not pick up one time since the night of my deliverance.
The following week after the women’s seminar, I made a decision to stop taking Ambien. I had been taking it nightly for over five years and was dependent upon it to sleep. Desperate to forever cast out witchcraft, I completely stopped. It’s been a week, and not-so-ironically, I can’t even believe the incredible nights sleep I am having. Two weeks completely free of addiction and dependence. Love this and wanted to share.
Brent & Kattie B./May 2021
My wife and I wanted to reach out and express our deep heartfelt gratitude for all that the center has done for our family. Melissa has gone above and beyond to coordinate, mentor, advise and just support this journey we have embarked on. She truly has a servants heart and is a blessing from God. Thank you to Rick for my incredible deliverance and the Godly words of wisdom and K2 for the leading in my children’s deliverance.
God has put you on my wife and I hearts to pray for!!!
God Bless
Jenny S./May 2021
Thanks Mike, I actually went through the list for hours this morning. I did it here and there over the years but still this rejection thing kept coming up. After completing the list I felt an incredible stillness and peace. It was so beautiful.
Fawne W./May 2021
Hello Bro. Mike! I’m feeling wonderfully light and lifted up with energy, peace and joy since my deliverance and doing The List. I am clear minded and have ease of thinking and making quick decisions like I have more common sense. I’m also noticing that my vibration has shifted — it seems that people are more pleasant towards me (courteous on the interstate too, must be God, grins), actually experiencing altogether a more pleasant interaction with others. Free flowing with goodness!
Daniella D./May 2021
Hey brother Mike, A quick update to let you know I did the list again and got what I needed from it. It was major, as you already knew. I had a great deliverance last night and so grateful for everything you have taught me.
Wow….just watching the part where the brother commanded fear to leave around 1:54, I started weeping and felt a heaviness leave and i am feeling warm on the inside it isnt the heat lol…..I am a born again Christian and will be at the Womens healing siminar tomorrow night 7/28…..the Holy Spirit is strong on this live stream, even though it was a week ago it really did something for me…..so much authority….thank you so much! FRIDAY NIGHT TEACHING, JULY 21, 2017.
You get me to understand the word, AND HOW SATAN TRIPS ME UP, in an amazing way with real talk, I am blessed by you, No word’s can thank you enough. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “INSIGHTS INTO TEMPTATION.” July 2017.
I spoke to you last year in june about my back problem. After watching your deliverance videos and following your instructions I was healed instantly. I was unable to walk for 15 months but in july 2016 i was delivered. PRAISE THE LORD. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “DIVINE HEALING.” July 2017.
Mike these are all so good !!!. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “DELIVERANCE TRAINING CLASS #6.” July 2017
I Swear if there were more preachers like you more people would be SAVED! You are a miracle worker through God’s Gift of intelligence! God bless you this is a true TALENT that God gave you and that’s coming from an artist! You’re talent of diagnosing and assigning the symptoms is remarkable! I pray your words reach all whose hearts desire healing! Amen! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “OVERCOMING REJECTION.” July 2017.
THANK YOU DEAR GOD for these blessings. The HOLY SPIRIT totally spoke to me and humbled my spirit. I wanted to see how this message related to others I know. FATHER put a grip on me showing how this message was for my inlightenment. Hardcore truth gives all praise and glory to the Father thru Him all things are possable. I am learning how to truly forgive others and whats really great is i get to know why to forgive. Wonderful Bro. Mike. May Father keep using you to reach others. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART.” July 2017.
Truth? I was shocked, as I did not expect anything to happen with any miracle. We pray and sometimes, huge seen miracles, like they healed my heart, or the many we do not see, but all is awing, however; THIS MAN HERE, ONE OF HIS VID’S, CASTING OUT DEMON’S, SO HELP ME, TWO CAME OUT OF ME, out of my tummy, felt weird in my belly, praying with this man during the sermon, it was another sermon of this guy’s, but WOE, TWO COUGHED UP HARD FROM MY BELLY, OUT MY MOUTH, I WAS SHOCKED, like woe, it was not a normal cough, it was a real deal, I WITNESS THIS MAN HELPED ME RID A FEW DEMON’S, THANK YOU SIR, SO MUCH<<<<<<<GRATEFUL<< THIS MAN HAS POWER WHEN HE PRAY’S AND WE PRAY TOO AND MEAN IT, WOWOW, YUP<< YouTube Comment on Video “Overcoming Rejection.” July 2017.
Thank you brother Mike! I really thank Jesus for His love for me and for blessing me with you. who assisted with my freedom and my peace of mind and heart….May the good Lord BLESS YOU DOUBLE FOR YOYR TROUBLES… And, lol thanks again for encouraging me.. GLORY TO GOD! Yodie B./July 2017.
I used to think deliverance was, well, weird. Like acting reactions maybe? And someone said it was only for the 70 Jesus sent out. But it sat on my heart to look it up, research, so I did. And it wasn’t until I learned the part about yoga spirits and Kundalini spirit that it seemed the Holy Spirit said “that right there is your deliverance, what you need”. I’d had lower back problems for years and nothing was helping. But God answers prayers in ways we need them answered, and for others to hear how they were answered. Immediately when I learned about yoga spirits, and I had quit yoga, I placed my hands on my lower back and said “in the name of Jesus Christ all yoga and Kundalini spirits need to leave” immediately I felt them like float out and my back healed instantly and I have never had a problem since. I danced in amazement! Did that really happen? Yes! So I did more the next day that I could think to name and I had about a 4 second coughing fit…whaaaat?!! So cool! I testify absolutely to deliverance. Praise the Lord! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “DELIVERANCE TRAINING.” July 2017.
Your videos are very eye opening and powerful! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON THE DELIVERANCE TRAINING CHANNEL, SESSION ONE. July 2017.
Mike how do you teach this stuff to such a captive audience all the time? This is deep knowledge of God that is generally forbidden in mainstream churches… where else can you hear teaching like this? I don’t understand how you have a “center” where you teach classes like this, I’m from Atlanta, GA and have been to TONS of different churches and ministries, but have never heard someone teach the deep things of God like this, let alone at an established “center” open to the public. Bo S./July 2017.
Awesome teacher. Wish i could listen 8 hours a day… getting set FREE!! Thank you. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “YOU HAVE GOD’S ANOINTING.” July 2017.
I felt such a release of tention & release of resentment. I felt a spirit of faith, like how you do when you get to be with a loved one you havent seen for awhile. When I yawned it was literly my heart relaxing I felt a true conection with my FATHER. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “RELAX IN HIM.” June 2017.
Brother Mike! Praise the Lord! Glory to God, I have been doing self deliverance for two weeks straight. Last night the severe, chronic, unexplained pain in my upper back disappeared! I’m not stopping…I’m hitting it everyday because I have a niece with bipolar, a sister with paranoid schizophrenia, a niece with mental disability (same mother) and a sister diagnosed with ALS but she believes her healing is coming. Praise God! Thank you for obeying the Lord in your ministry! Andrea B./June 2017.
Wow mike, you have an incredible anointing of teaching REAL psychology, with demons and all… your understanding of how Thomas was raised, and Saul with the rejection demons, really deep knowledge, thanks YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “MIND DEFAULT.” June 2017.
I would advise you all to check out all of the posts on this sight it is a ………….GOLD MINE ! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO ‘OVERCOMING REJECTION.’ June 2017.
I never wanted to bother you about it, but since we’re talking now, I wanted to tell you that your teachings have been instrumental in my spiritual maturity. Your obedience to God has not only helped me heal but I am transforming (still working on it) from someone who had no boundaries and obeyed what ANYONE (Satan and people) told me. I have learned since our first email that I am allowed to say no and set boundaries for myself. I prayed that god would not only make me someone who could protect myself but that He makeme a fighter so I can protect others. Carolyn L./June 2017.
Bro Mike, I had been Molested, beaten, tortured, verbally abused, from age 4 to 15. I was completely BROKEN. Diagnosed with Dysthymia, Generalized & Social Anxiety Disorder, Severe, Chronic Depression, insomnia, fibromyalgia, migraines. Constantly Tortured and harassed by demons, hopeless and SO MUCH MORE! I’m a Christian and thought God had abandoned Me. No one could help or convince me there was ANY HOPE it had been hell for 25 Years! I had hung on JUST for my 3 CHildren. I was exhausted!!! I was very Suicidal and at end of my rope. LONG story! I Cried out to God ONE LAST TIME with ALL my heart for healing! He instantly lead me to your vIdeos and started taking away the scales and chains instantly!! I watched all your videos and listened to Godly music and Bible on CD. GOD HAS HEALED ME!!! It’s been 5 WEEKS! I waited to write cause I could hardly believe the MIRACLE. NO more fears! I stopped believing The 1000’s of Lies, God Bless, Dan. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “MINISTERING TO THE MENTALLY ILL.” June 2017.
Hi Mike, Connie and l were up till almost 2 am just talking about how grateful we are about your obedience and sacrifice that had touched our lives. So, l just wanted to tell you how thankful l am for the ministry God had given to you. Your sacrifice is changing lives. I want to continue my deliverance until l get everything OUT. Thank YOU for loving on me with TRUTH. AMEN! Sabrina M./June 2017.
For the last three days, I have watched some of your videos on Youtube. Im leaping and jumping and praising GOD. I tryed to be a christian and felt that Jesus took me out of the sewer. Yet there was something wrong. I prayed and prayed that I wanted a closer walk with Jesus. Yet there was always something I knew very wrong. After watching several of your videos Im Free. Thank you for obeying the call of GOD. Im too old to do Cartwheels in the parking lot, but my heart is feeling like that. Im free, Im free, Im free!!!!! Oh BTY I was raised in a christian home but it was as dead as could be. It gave me all the knowlage of the bible, I knew every story from front to back. But there was no power. I think I had to become desperate, and like you said in the Kathiran Kullman video, she had to lose everything and die. I know that one so well like the seed must fall to the ground and die, then new life can come. I have lost everything and gained the LORD Jesus Christ and it is worth it all. Renee B./June 2017.
I found this site by accident and God is setting me free!! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “FIBROMYALAGIA” June 2017.
Yes amen ! Thank you brother mike. For showing us how to really walk it out in love. God bless u This is what we need. Keep fighting the good fight. Bless u bless bless u. U show God,s love. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “PRAYING” June 2017.
GREAT teaching!… Never heard this kind of explanation in church. Great delivery too!! He was enthusiastic and not boring or monotone …. much easier to concentrate when he engages the people this way esp if watching a video. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “PS. 37.” June 2017.
Hi Mike. I’m overjoyed this morning to share something. I was raised with abandonment, mental illness, neglect and addiction. Dad was a violent alcoholic. I inherited it all! I’ve been hospitalized 80x and am currently in a group home. I never could understand how a born again person could be so sick. Mikes teachings made me realize the “why’s.” Yesterday I was on a House of Healing marathon and I have deep deep wounds in my heart. I couldn’t find anyone to explain how the Holy Spirit heals the soul wounds. After watching you’re teachings about women, ( Women’s Healing Night video) at the end, when you do deliverance, The Holy Spirit came into my group home room. I thought this group home is my end, how can I get delivered here? Well, I did! I had horrible panic/inner pain from many ppl. I woke every morning in torments. The devil amped it all up with a recent breakup/ betrayal. He was coming in for the kill. I was being emotionally destroyed! After the teaching, as you ministered to the ladies , I felt the Holy spirit in my room! I started crying, I coughed, I puked and burped. I felt lighter, but I had to check if this was my imagination, wishful thinking or true deliverance. Happy to say, panic, pain and self hatred are gone! This morning I feel freer! The key was walking though Mike’s instructions. This was repentance, and forgiving those who hurt me so bad, then releasing the hurt to Holy Spirit. It feels like years of pain have left. God has great compassion on the mentally ill. To meet me and heal me in a group home! I’m not completely free, but what a great start! Another deliverance team got out depression and suicide ( family had all this). I’m estastic! Tracey H./May 2017.
WOW that was incredible, I’ve never seen a group deliverance like that. Casting out demons and healings. This is beautiful and amazing, thank you for blessing me with this video. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO ‘OVERCOMING REJECTION.’ May 2017.
Best psychoanalysis of Saul I ever heard. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “INSECURITY & INFERIORITY” May 2017.
This message is so incredibly intense, I had to go outside. I swear I was on fire. I felt the Holy Spirit hit me for the first time in a very long time. Wow. Fire fire fire. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “INSECURITY & INFERIORITY.” May 2017.
My daughter prayed with one of your videos while I slept for me to quit smoking. Well – it’s been five months since I quìt smoking cold turkey. (I smoked a pack a day). It’s been 7 months! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “CRUSHING CURSES.” May 2017.
I have learned more from House of Healing AZ/Hardcore Christianity videos in the last four months than I have learned from reading “Christian Books” and attending a mega church in my community for 20 years. I want to “freely give” what you are teaching. Thanks be to God for your willingness to teach us the Word without watering it down and Praise God for you Brother Mike! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON THE VIDEO “THE SPIRIT WORLD.” May 2017.
Hi Mike, So glad i found your videos i am learning so much so fast, thank you..God Bless….???✝️ YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “BREAKING CURSES” May 2017.
I did the miracle list you sent me and it was amazing the results god has done for me. Thank you for pointing this out in my life . I never new I had this issue. I offered it to my wife and son of 34 years old and they didn’t want to do it so I asked god to soften their heart and they gave in and did the list. What a miracle in their life god has done for them. They totally believe god answers prayer now and hear them now. They always asked me to pray for their problems to god and I would tell them to ask not me and didn’t understand why they weren’t answered until I did the list and they didn’t neither. NOW its amazing what god has done and is doing in our lives. Thank you for your help and pointing that out in our lives. Lorne M./British Columbia/May 2017.
Your honesty is utterly refreshing. It is so needed everywhere! Thank you! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “THE SPIRITUALITY OF SEX.” May 2017.
Dear Brother Mike, Recently I have been listening to your teachings on YouTube. I listened to your teachings on Rejection. In that teaching it said that a spirit of rejection always brings with it a spirit of witchcraft and rebellion, which is so true. I listened to a lot of your teachings and then I was able to recognize the demonic oppression. So one night I got really serious and really angry, so I cast that thing out of myself. I could not believe how much easier and delightful it has been coming into Abba’s presence. I have also gained the ability to understand Scripture better. I never knew I was bound for all those years. I knew something wasn’t right, but I was too ashamed to confront it. I am so grateful for your ministry. I am in the process of listening to many of your teachings and I am growing in leaps and bounds. I also shared your teachings with a few friends of mine who are going through issues with anger and rejection. Thank you so much for doing what you do to help people. Love, in Christ, Denise from Baltimore, MD. April/2017.
It is funny you sent me to The Deep Things Of God channel. That is my favorite channel of yours.I watch them all and God uses your ministry to really teach, correct, deliver and bless me. I am thankful you obeyed. Sue M./April 2017.
Praise Report: I’ve been going through deliverance since 2002 and have been asking God to reveal what other open doors- just found your ministry last week. God delivered me using your videos on Kundalini. Praise Jesus Christ my Deliverer. Wow! I’ve been searching high and low and I lived in Redding attended Bethel did many sozo’s but I was still having demonic manifestations. I stopped attending all their type of conferences because when they would explain my problems they couldn’t help or downplayed them. Thanks to your videos God clarified so much! Jesus is Lord! I believe I’m experiencing 1 Peter 4:17. Laura B./April 2017.
I will be in attendance tonight. I came to a deliverance service on Wednesday night and the love of God was amazing and evident in the building.Tiffany T./Phoenix/April 2017.
Hi there. A miracle happened to me tonight. I prayed for the baptism of the Holy Spirit tonight. Then Right after I fell on your Video on Youtube. The Holy Spirit clearly showed me what is my ministry, which is to go and heal others from the spirit of rejection. I have had a really bad past, and everything you said in the video applied to my life. In the past 2 months God has been totally cleaning up my life for this message. Matthieu B/Canada/March 2017.
HouseOfHealingAZ Brother Mike, I don’t know if you will see this, but I wanted to let you know how powerful this deliverance was. I attended the last part of the stream, the actual casting out of the spirits was awesome. YOUTUBECOMMENT ON VIDEO OF DELIVERANCE SERVICE “HOUSEOFHEALINGAZ.” Mar. 03/17.
You were brought here on purpose. Br. Mike has extremely important and uncommon information specifically for you. Super duper anointing happening currently. Tune in and recover. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO OF DELIVERANCE SERVICE “HOUSEOFHEALINGAZ.” Mar. 03/17.
House of Healing…the ripple effect of healing deliverance in these posts is mind boggling! Thank you JESUS. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “ONE TICKET TO PARADISE.” Mar. 2017.
Hi Brother Mike, I was just listening to the video you made on Emotional Illness number 022417 Satan’s number one strategy fear and lies. I was about to seek counseling because I still felt like I was losing my mind but you hit the nail right on the head for me. The point that you made about Satan or his imps talking or giving us good ideas especially about preaching to the nation’s. That’s what I thought I was supposed to do. I actually had a vision that I was going to do that, I’m not saying that I’m not going to do that or that it was from Satan but now I see exactly how he uses good ideas and then lets you down. That is what I have been suffering from for years. I didnt think I had illusions of grandeur. My husband has been telling me that for years. But I just couldn’t see how doing God’s work would be illusions of grandeur. Thank you so much for being obedient. I wish I had known about you 46 years ago. I don’t believe that I will be going to the counselor because I believe that I got my answer tonight thank you again; love you. Kim W./Feb. 2017.
What a blessing your teachings have been to me. Enjoying watching a teaching per-day 🙂 YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “HOUSEOFHEALINGAZ.” Feb. 2017.
The moment I learned the TRUTH about the demonic spirits planting negative thoughts in my mind is when I realized my power over them. It was instant for me. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “FEAR. SATAN’S MIND CONTROL.” Feb. 2017.
Mike. This is an awesome teaching. Thank you very much. Much love to you and prayers for your ministry. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “MENTAL ILLNESS.” Feb. 2017.
I received deliverance viewing this video!! Alleluya! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “BE HEALED OF FIBROMYALGIA.” Feb. 2017.
Mike this is absolutely where it is! I just have nothing to tell you! Thank you. Thank you! You obviously know exactly what you are saying to be correct minded. I feel freaking amazing. I feel for the first time completely like myself inside my own heart and mind and head space. Please please please put some sort of paypal button or credit card button on ur website. Give us folks who really really want to help you along- the ability to do so online. Make some sort of online tab for tithing. I want to give back in a blessing what you have given to me. I have watched probably everything you have uploaded to youtube and will continue to stream when you live stream. Thank you for teaching me. I hope I can find the ability (time and money) to come visit in fellowship. Thank you for everything you give in ur insight to us. Jennifer Q/Feb. 2017.
Dear bro Mike. I am now delivered from being bipolar since following the list you gave me. What a world of difference but now I have to walk in life with no mania or downs which feels totally different. Mary C./Feb. 2017.
Bro Mike, I love HOH ministry and I contribute money to it. It is very powerful and the church needs this ministry as never before. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “TEMPTATIONS.” Feb. 2017.
This teaching as Mike says just will not fly in most churches….. Just incredibly simple & to the point examples of insidious plans Satan has for every person alive right now. YOU TUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “CAN CHRISTIANS HAVE DEMONS.” Feb. 2017.
I don’t have words adequate enough to tell you how valuable these teachings have become to me. If you listen and APPLY what is taught here, you will find life changing results. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “IT’S IMPOSSIBLE.” FEB. 2017.
Bro Mike, I had been Molested, beaten, tortured, verbally abused, from age 4 to 15. I was completely BROKEN. Diagnosed with Dysthymia, Generalized & Social Anxiety Disorder, Severe, Chronic Depression, insomnia,fibromyalgia, migraines, Constantly Tortured and harassed by demons, hopeless and SO MUCH MORE! I’m a Christian and thought God had abandoned Me. No one could help or convince me there was ANY HOPE. It has been hell for 25 Years! I had hung on JUST for my 3 Children. I was exhausted! I was very Suicidal and at end of my rope, LONG story! I Cried out to God ONE LAST TIME with ALL my heart for healing! He instantly Lead me to your vIdeos and started taking away the scales and chains instantly! I watched all your videos and listened to Godly music and Bible on CD. GOD HAS HEALED ME! I’ts been 5 WEEKS! I waited to write cause I could hardly believe the MIRACLE. NO more fears! I stopped believing the 1000’s of Lies of the demons. God Bless, Dan
You guys rock! This is one of the best YouTube channels out there. I wish I could go there in person, but I gotta watch it on YouTube. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “IT’S IMPOSSIBLE.” FEB. 2017.
I wanted to give you my testimony. I wrote to you earlier this year in August about my situation. I was so frustrated at what I was going through with wanting to be married. You told me to put a halt on trying to date and follows the steps you sent me. I printed that list out and I followed it to a tee! I highlighted, underlined and read every passage of scripture plus looked at the videos that were on the list. I worked hard on that list! I was determined to get well! I did exactly what you told me! I was in constant prayer almost daily! Well, that was then and this is now. Brother Mike, I met a man a few months ago. He is a man who loves the Lord with all of his heart! He told me from the start that he was looking for a wife and that he was not trying to date casually. We prayed together, read the bible together and wanted to do it God’s way. Brother Mike….WE GOT MARRIED! YES, I AM NOW MARRIED! HE IS A WONDERFUL MAN WHO IS A BELIEVER IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST! It didn’ t take long either Brother Mike! I have tears in my eyes right now because you put me on the right path of healing and helping me create a fresh start on becoming healthy and wholesome to be a wife! I love you Brother Mike and I sincerely thank God for you and your ministry! God Bless you, Roselle D./Feb. 2017.
I just wAtched your your youtube video explaing mental illness. You have saved my life. Starr P./ Feb. 2017.
Thank you Mike. I learned more from your deliverance training video number one than a year studying deliverance. Thank you Jesus. John T./Feb. 2017.
Brother Mike, Both my son and I will be tuning in tomorrow night! Your ministry has completely turned our lives around with both “Father” and “Jesus” of course having a helping hand! God Bless You, Ryan & Julian C./Feb. 2017.
Brother Mike, I went through the List and let me just say WOW! I never experienced anything like that spiritually. A lot of spirits were coming out and fighting and screaming! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “ANXIETY DISORDERS.” Jan. 2017.
Your teachings are beyond helpful. I am so grateful you have the ability to see into and explain the torment we live under. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “CHRISTIANS RECEIVE AND PUT UP WITH SPIRITS.” Jan. 2017.
What Brother Mike does is so needed today and his knowledge is incredible, the way he blends science and the bible is fantastic, Lukeworm christians will get offended. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “HEBREWS 12.” Jan. 2017.
Wow. I was set free from so much through God using this video. I got healing and deliverance. PRAISE THE LORD HALLELUJAH! I’ve never even been to this ministry. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “BLESSING BLOCKERS.” Jan. 2017.
Hi brother Mike,i have completed all the tasks you have given to me. I am finally free and my injuries a fully healed. God is great. I cannot thank you or Him enough for what you have done. Keep up what you guys are doing. This world really needs it. God has also revealed so much to me through the process. Michal L./ Jan. 2017.
Praise God Bro. Mike, you won’t believe I have been healed. I prayed and followed your instructions and for sure, now I feel an empty heart. I know that demon has left my chest. Praise God, now I can think clearly and I hardly remember my painful past. I am honestly humbled, please thank him for me and thanks to you for allowing yourself be an instrument in HIS hands, PRAISE GOD! Ebube A., Nigeria. Jan. 2017.
I am so glad I found this video, lord knows, this is confirmation. God has been speaking this to me and it has been a great battle. So Greatful for the remnant of the body of Christ , May God continue to bless you. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “ANXIETY DISORDERS.” Jan. 2017.
I felt so good after this. Very powerful prayers. Thanks Bro Mike. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “THURSDAY NIGHT PRAYER: UNCLEAN SPIRITS!” Jan. 2017.
Every word was a treasure! Bless you and your ministry! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “YOU HAVE GOD’S AUTHORITY.” Jan. 2017.
I just watched your youtube video explaing mental illness. You have saved my life. I came to your release from kundalini spirits but thats not what i really needed. Susan P./Phoenix, AZ/Dec. 2016.
Michael you are a blessing..you are so real. And direct to the point. ur wisdom is so needed and ur obedience is such a blessing to others. I have to go back and listen a few times as learning so much. VIDEO TEACHING CHANNEL COMMENT ON JOSHUA FEUERSTEIN INTERVIEW. Dec. 2016.
Hello to all who read this. God Bless You and your ministry and family and friends. I have been watching your Youtube videos and I wish i had big words to express my appreciation and gratitude. Brother Mike you and your Ministry Team are Amazing to say the least. In my 30 years of living I have never came across any thing remotely as truthfully raw and genuine! I have been delivered from prescription pill addiction and many other demonic spirits, in my living room as I was watching. It was incredible! You are a TRUE MAN of GOD! GOD be The GLory! Thank you and hope i can meet you all one day. Keep it up! Amen! Felix R./Dec. 2016.
I’ve been to all kinds of churches and you are by far the best. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “CROSSROADS.” 12/16.
Brother Mike you have such a great sense of humor honestly. Always a special occasion to hear your guidance. Your passion reaches so many of us. God continue His blessings upon you. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “PHIL. 4.” Dec. 2016.
This is awesome! Thank You, Brother Mike. These seminars are extremely helpful. I have used your forgiving techniques and was deeply convicted. I notice instead of blaming someone, I forgive. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “MINISTERING TO THE MENTALLY ILL.” Dec. 2016.
May God BLESS this ministry….I get SO MUCH out of these videos!! thank you. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “FAITH.” Dec. 2016.
ey. Just wanted u to know just days ago God delivered me of bipolar disorder and many infirmities. .. I no longer take any medications and have a totally sound mind. David F. Dec. 2016.
Your love and prayer in the beginning healed my heart of unlove. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “DOUBT & UNBELIEF.” Nov. 2016.
This teaching is fantastic. It is the missing pieces and a messed up puzzle. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your bluntness and complete, transparent-honesty. I have passed this along to several people. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “PISTIS.” Oct. 2016.
Bro Mike, I had been Molested, beaten, tortured, verbally abused, from age 4 to 15. I was completely BROKEN. Diagnosed with Dysthymia, Generalized & Social Anxiety Disorder, Severe, Chronic Depression, insomnia,fibromyalgia, migraines. Constantly Tortured and harassed by demons, hopeless and SO MUCH MORE! I”m a Christian and thought God had abandoned Me. No one could help or convince me there was ANY HOPE. It had been hell for 25 Years! I Had hung on JUST for my 3 Children. I was exhausted! I was very Suicidal and at end of my rope, LONG story! I Cried out to God ONE LAST TIME with ALL my heart for healing! He instantly Lead me to your vIdeos and started taking away the scales and chains instantly! I watched all your videos and listened to Godly music and Bible on CD. GOD HAS HEALED ME! It’s been 5 WEEKS! I waited to write cause I could hardly believe the MIRACLE. NO more fears! I stopped believing The 1000’s of Lies! I Can NOW get out of bed leave my house, go to church, volunteer at church, paint my house, Loving my wife and Kids and helping my broken family members. My wife can hardly stop Praising God! Thanks for doing what you do GOD has saved my life through mainly though your teaching, You really understand Mental Illness and how Demons torture us, and Convince us we can’t be healed. GOd Bless YOU and YOUR Ministry, LOVE and PEACE. Daniel. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “MINISTRY TO THE MENTALLY ILL.” Oct. 2016.
Your video is a God send to me. I was praying and thinking about this topic this morning because I am praying for deliverance for my church. I have received the deliverance and am a million times better than I was so I knew it was possible to get. Your video set in cement what God has already shown me. I am sharing this with my pastor and possibly my entire church. God lead me to your video and I praise Him for it. God bless you sir. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “CAN CHRISTIANS HAVE DEMONS.” Oct. 2016.
I thank God for you brother! I’ve had life changing,eye opening deliverance through your ministry…thank you so much,keep going…I pray for you without ceasing..you are proof of Fathers mercy ..he heard our cries….. J. Sanchez, Phoenix, AZ. 10/16.
Wow, I can’t believe it, I was watching your video and the deliverance and healing and I remembered how many times I had prayed the last years that God would show me the answer for hurting people, myself included and tonight I realized he has shown me the answer-your ministry. You heal hurting people, well God does through you. You know everytime I say your ministry I mean the Holy Spirit thru you. Thank you from my guts for working for him and loving his people. You don’t know how special you are to me. Email comment from H.J.K. in Ohio. 09/2016.
This ministry is Awesome!! No sugar coating just truth. You will never find this in any church. I only wish it was near me. God bless you brother Mike. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “WOE UNTO YOU.” 09/2016.
Thank you for guiding me through deliverance from the mental issues I have been battling. It was not comfortable by any means, but I now have the presence of the Holy Spirit and can hear God’s voice much clearer. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “MENTAL ILLNESS SEMINAR.” 08/2016.
Thank you so much for your videos. I am not mentally ill but do watch to learn how to help someone who is. You have shown me that what the Holy Spirit showed me is true. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “THE KEY TO MIRACLES WITHOUT A DOUBT.” 08/2016.
I have never cried or shook or felt the Spirit before I listened to Brother Mike plus the infection that I couldn’t shake through 4 hospitalizations is gone. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “THE SECRET TO POWER WITH GOD.” 08/2016.
These teachings are absolutely fantastic…………..Thank you so much Mike. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “DELIVERANCE TRAINING CLASS 18.” Aug. 2016.
Thank you for your service to the Kingdom Brother Mike, teachings are helping me through alot of issues. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “ADDICTIONS.” 08/16.
This was definately inspired by the HOLY Ghost. I put together a similar class 2 years ago that I will be teaching soon. The psychology was absolute GENIUS! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO DELIVERANCE TRAINING #3.
Hi bro Mike! I followed your list and I am healed and delivered, praise God! I live in Sacramento, California. Thank you and God bless you, your family, and ministry. I suffered almost all my life and no one was able to help. The Lord led me to your videos and now I am healed and delivered! Clementina E./Aug. 2016.
So much truth!! The Devil is a Lair and Exposed!!! Thank you for this teaching! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO ‘OVERCOMING REJECTION.” July 2016.
Thank you so much for sharing these videos. I was given a solid religious education in middle school, but the church closed and I now see that it was Satanic forces doing all this damage to my life ever since. In fact, I think Satan is upset I’m seeing your videos because I encountered an error where I can no longer play it, but you have helped lead me back to Christ directly and I thank you. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO FAMILIAR SPIRITS. July 2016.
As a “Child Of God”, I found brother Mike, a little over a week and half ago and the results have been “Amazing”. I’m now filled with the “Holy Ghost”, for the first time in my life and it feels incredible! I do deliverance from home, and over the duration of the next 30 days will watch as many of Brothers Mike “Youtube Video’s”, as humanly possible “Amen Praise God!” I have forgiven my “Stepfather”, who has Masonry roots. I can’t wait to come down and watch you guys LIVE! No one could ever get through to me the way Brother Mike, has been able too…..nobody for I “Was”, as stubborn as they came! Thank you “Brother Mike”, may our heavenly father be with both you and your family both here on earth, and in Heaven “Amen.” Ryan L./July 2016.
I was very blessed by the ministry last night. I receive the words from the Lord and will put into practice what was directed. Again, thank you and God Bless. B. Keith, Indiana/06-16.
Thank You and God bless you, your fam and ministry. You have no idea how much you helped me. All the Glory be to God/Jesus. T. Bergman/06-16.
Mike….I think your the BEST thing happening on UTUBE 🙂 Always strengthened by the way Jesus ” The LIVING water “quenches my thirst, through your obedience. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “DELIVERANCE TRAINING CLASS 8.” June 2016.
This is single handedly the BEST channel on youtube. Brother Mike you are so knowledgable in the word and your teachings are eye opening. I am enjoying your seminars and learning more from your teaching than being at church for years. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “DEMONIC MANIFESTATIONS.” May 2016.
Came here by chance , usually I would dismissed the stuff like that with a blink of an eye…Just started to watch…I’m an artist – painter and farthest my mind would go would have been philosophy with Lacan and Zizek at the top of the hierarchy…But this is something new to me…It’s abundant with authenticity and it delivers – fully! It just opened my eyes…Because it make sense…For the first time in my life I hear the words of love and compassion as they meant to be heard – believable and factual. I have to reconsider my world views from now on because this has touched me. Thank you! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “DEMONIC MANIFESTATIONS” Mar. 2016.
I just discovered your channel…bought time someone is preaching and teaching the truth! The Lord bless you. Glory to the Most High! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “REVIVE ME AGAIN.” March 2016.
The December 21, 2015 teaching on pistis is exactly what I needed to hear and what I need to have, in order to walk in divine deliverance from palsy. I thought I had the pistis since I started believing Christ is my Healer, 30 + years ago. I realize now that I only had some pistis, mixed with “If I can figure out where I messed up, I will receive manifestation.” mindset. Dawn W./Mar. 2016.
Mike…. I’m so darn glad I have good dental insurance. This is yet another wake-up call message of yours that kicked my teeth in and forced me to swallow them. I’m SO GRATEFUL. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “THE DEVIL TRICKS.” Feb. 2016.
The entire Body of Christ has been waiting for this message. The vast majority just don’t know it. Yet! Hoping and praying that a new understanding of spirits spreads like wildfire through the church. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “OVERCOMING REJECTION.” Feb. 2016.
I have been struggling with unbelief for a little while. I know God brought me to listen to this because it has spoken directly to my Spirit. A lot of what you were saying is a lot of what I have been feeling. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “FAITH. OVERCOME UNBELIEF. Feb. 2016.
Mike…. I started watching your youtube videos looking for help for my bipolar pastor friend. I was stunned by the power of your series of videos on fear/anxiety, etc and watched them all and with each video, I went through a mini-metamorphosis of sorts with areas of fear I didn’t know existed being identified one by one many of these fears and worries started reducing…and reducing…and reducing with each video. I went to other video topics that you spoke on and after each video, I realized I was not the same, each message of yours had caused dramatic changes in my perceptions while long-standing spiritual problems I’ve had were reducing with some problems just getting up and disappearing. You are permanently in my daily prayers. Annie K./Feb. 2016.
I so much appreciate this teaching and the way you brought it out. I think any honest person can relate to our Lords word in this area. Thank you much. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “CAN CHRISTIANS HAVE DEMONS.” Feb. 2016.
I’m literally in tears. This is exactly what I needed. I am determined to get total healing and wholeness in my life in Jesus Name! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “OVERCOMING REJECTION.” Feb. 2016.
Thank you brother Mike from the bottom of my heart. You are the truth. I have been lost for thirty years. Life and the word never made sense to me. After watching you it is scary how much spiritual understanding I have gained. Now I am helping my family and friends. I cannot express to you the gratitude i have for you. I am angry at the church for letting my family, friends, and me down. I wasted half my life and was almost lost forever. The truth you speak is amazing and completely unscrambled my life. You are awesome. Praise God and God bless you! Casey H./Alabama. Jan. 2016.
I love Pastor Mike’s teachings. I listen to him all the time. This teaching is unique because it comes from the bible and psychology. I have been in church for many years and I have never heard anyone teach this material. YOUTUBE COMMENT FROM VIDEO “MIND OVER MATTER.” Jan. 2016.
This was truly a mind alert. Your teachings area Amazing. YOUTUBE.COMMENT ON VIDEO “SPIRITUAL WARFARE.” Jan. 2016.
This teaching is so needed in the body of Christ. This is wisdom and knowledge from the Holy Spirit. Thank you Bro. God has called you for this! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “ANXIETY DISORDERS.” Jan. 2016.
Really wonderful teaching,, I want to know more about the witchcraft attacks… YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “BE HEALED OF FIBROMYALGIA.” Jan. 2016.
Mannnnnnnnnnn this teaching is neeeeeeeeded. Where in the world were u when i was a teenager? God bless u. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “MENTALLY ILL SEMINAR.” Dec. 2015.
I am blessed to have found you House of Healing and Mr. Smith. I work in the field and have discovered what you preach for the last 5 years. Thank you for the continued spiritual insight! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “EXPOSING THE DEVIL’S TRICKS.” Dec. 2015.
Hi brother Mike. I went to Phoenix from San Francisco Ca. to the Women’s seminar. Started my deliverance there. Came back and was delivered for more than a week everyday for all the spirits. A week and a half latter, me and my little girlwent to a store. Outside was this man on his bike. He asked me for somemoney to eat. When we finish our shopping we got some money and wentlooking for him out side of the store. He was on the floorweeping, crying. He said he saw Jesus all around my daughter and me. Italked to him gave him the u-tube channel from the House of Healing. Thanks for your teaching about praying in Tongues through the day. It’ life saving for me. Juana L./S.F/Dec. 2015.
Hi Mike, I was touched, healed, delivered and blessed by your youtube-videos. Because of your teaching I finally received the answer to a question that I`ve had for many years. Claudia Z./Dec. 2015.
I think the preaching at the 1:53 minute mark about weeping over our sin is probably some of the best preaching i have heard in my entire life! PRAISE GOD FOR THE TRUTH! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “SATAN’S GREATEST WEAPON.” Dec. 2015.
I would just like to say a very humble thank you to Brother Mike. His generosity in sharing the seminars on YouTube is such a blessing. The latest one for healing women really ministered to me. I am caring for my very elderly mother with severe Alzheimer’s disease, and it’s been an indescribably difficult journey. Since both of us labour under the spirit of rejection it has made it much worse. Last night, I did business with God, and through the pier of the Holy Spirit, I believe I was delivered of a demon of rejection as well as others which I cannot name. I will watch the seminar again just to be sure they’ve all gone. Praying for great blessing, wisdom and anointing for all of the ministry team. Kim O./Cape Town SA/Dec. 2015.
Hi Mike, I’ve actually been coming since I wrote this and the Holy Spirit has been AMAZING! The first Friday I was healed in my body from bladder issues…..most likely linked to spirits …and they had to go. I was there this past Friday and hit the floor before my Lord and now I’m free. The most amazing this is that when I went 3 weeks ago, I was feeling so free already and the Lord freed me EVEN MORE!!! I’m crying as I’m writing this because our GOD is soooo good. Jennifer P./Dec. 2015.
I cannot begin to tell you how much your ministry has helped me. I am fairly certain I have watched most of the videos.They have been my “David’s lyre” (Ist Samuel 16:23) many nights. George P./Dec. 2015
Excellent presentation. You speak a mighty truth. Thank you. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “ANXIETY DISORDERS.” Dec.. 2015.
Watched the ladies live stream Fri and was so blessed. Thank you from Ashland Oregon. I visited the house of healing a few months ago with my son Gideon and we were delivered in a wonderful way. Last nights service gave me permission to let my son go and trust him to Jesus. It also gave me insight to the way Satan sets the wrong men before for me. Thank you for a wonderful repentance session. Wendy E./Nov. 2015.
Hi Brother Mike, I am thankful for you and your ministry! I found you on you tube by the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I was led to you when I could not understand what was happening to me. Thank you sir for all of your precious time that you sowed into me. You planted seeds and its growing! Forever grateful and I hope to see you in either January or February. Mark Smith/Nov. 2015.
Hello brothers and sisters! This is not a prayer request but I couldn’t find an email address on the website, so I am doing it this way ;).
I came across your video’s on youtube yesterday and I just want to say ‘THANK YOU SO MUCH’. It feels like words are too limited to express my thankfulness for what you guys are doing. I have only heard 1-2 seminars but I am so excited to learn and start using this knowledge to set people free, once and for all. This was for me like a missing link in the chain. We need to know and give people the whole package, and that includes deliverance and emotional/ inner healing. Thank you and may all of you be fruitful and glorify Our Father in heaven all the days of your life! Blessing. Anxhela/Nov. 2015.
God sent your message to me tonight….I have been waiting to hear from God for almost 3 years about this issue. Thank the Holy Spirit for guiding me to your youtube channel. Now, I finally understand. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “DEALING WITH REJECTION.” Nov. 2015.
Dear Brother Mike, I don’t know where to begin! This ministry has been such a blessing to me, my mom and my older sister. (I got them all hooked on your videos!). I am excited to support this ministry. It touches my heart so and makes me cry, to hear the people being set free, at the end of your teaching sessions. I can hear our Savior’s love for them, through you, as you are speaking to them by the Holy Spirit! The captives are set free by our beautiful Savior, Yeshua Ha Mashiach! I watch your videos on Youtube and went through self deliverance on myself. (didn’t even know they were in there-thought I was “good”…learned so much! Lisa L./WA/Nov. 2015.
Hi Mike. On Friday night some diabetes demons left, fear demons, etc and another layer of iniquity peeled away. Result is radical health improvement, no brain fog, no inflammation. Slow and steady improvement on soul and body level. Ed and I are talking the same language now and are praying together and helping each other process and grow. Lisa Q./Nov. 2015.
Dear Mike. I am watching your video and need to express my thankfullness. You gave it to me a few weeks ago, but I am certain the demons inside me told me it was rubbish and were critical. After sharing time with you this morning at Peter Johnson’s session I ran the video and realised that the demons were trying to block me from watching your video. Thanks
Isaac P./Nov. 2015.
Wow, Wow. Just to re-enforce what I just said WOW! Praise God for the Truth. As a separated man, having a wife that wants a divorce because we no longer communicate well, this is an awesome truth! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON THE VIDEO “THE SPIRITUALITY OF SEX.” Nov. 2015.
Your messages through Christ Jesus are a blessing to me. Through Him, you given me two things, hope and peace.
Daniel K./Nov. 2015.
Just finished this vid, the Holy Spirit is AMAZING. Exactly what I needed to hear. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “LUCIFER.” 11/15.
This was fantastic Mike! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “THE POOL GUY.” Nov. 2015.
This was such a special and anointed night – from the glorious deliverance testimony to Brother Mike’s profound teaching on building the Church the right way and his piercingly honest recollections. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “BUILDING CHURCHES GOD’S WAY.” 10/15.
Very helpful information about being a believer yet having demonic problems. I’ve never heard this information presented clearly like this. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “DELIVERANCE TRAINING.” 10/15.
Thank you for this, I’ve been struggling with negative thought patterns for as long as I can remember, and over the years it’s become so bad that it is affecting my marriage, I am tired of struggling. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “THURSDAY NIGHT. NEGATIVE THOUGHT DISORDER.” 10/15.
Hello Bro Mike: Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my email. I just finished watching your video “The Believer’s Authority. Why Praying Doesn’t Work! Use Your Authority to Take Your Life Back”. This video just changed my life! I have been doing it all wrong. I’ve been putting my faith in other people to deliver me from my demons, when I had the power all along. By putting my faith in others and not getting results, I was losing my faith which was crippling me. I watched to the end and did deliverance on myself. I felt so powerful and strong. I hate these demons for what they have done to my life and I let them have it! Jeri-Lynn C./Oct. 2015.
Excellent, excellent teaching! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “TAKING OUT THE TRASH.” 10/15.
Thank you, for delivering my husband Jose and having open doors to the public. He no longer hears voices anymore. God bless. Havilah S./Payson/Oct. 2015.
Wow and double wow. I have been researching medically documented miracles and some of them are so amazing, but this personal testimony gets to the heart not just the mind. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “BRO. MIKE MEETS KATHRYN KUHLMAN.” 09-15.
Hi bro. Mike! I listened to the last 45 minutes of prayer on livestream. I’m now delivered n set free. Schizophrenia is broken. oh, Joy, Joy, JOy! Glory Glory Glory be to Him, Jesus n Him alone!!! Naomi F./Phoenix/Sept. 2015.
Hope all has been well. Mike, I just wanna thank you again for everything. Everything has gotten about 80% better after following your lead man, thanks. Also Im still praying for your ministry and you and your staff. I will be donating soon, I will be working by Monday! I’ll keep you posted on things. I have quit drinking and smoking for good, like almost over night! No more cravings or desires left. Derek W./Phoenix/09-15.
Glory! Today the Lord used this video for me. I did read the wall first. I spent most of morning and afternoon getting deliverance Glory to God. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “OVERCOMING REJECTION” 09/15.
I was watching your men’s seminar on lust and pride and constantly had to fight tiredness. I obediently and repentantly started repeating your prayer and as I started to command those demons out of me I was reeled around the room with strange sounds coming for me. As I commanded the spirit of lust and homosexuality to come out, again thrown to the floor. I feel a completely different person now. I will follow the post deliverance programme now. Bro. I have been for deliverance but this is the first time I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is it. My father had Prostate problems my bro. and myself had to have a radicle prostectomy and you explained it so well in your seminar. Thank you my bro. I am trusting the Lord for a financial need and would like to support you in your fantastic ministry. God bless you. Johann Z./NY/09-15.
Thank you Bro. Mike so much for having the autoimmune seminar~~ my testimony is I was healed at the autoimmune seminar last week that my husband and I attended. The first picture is what it looked like while I was attending the autoimmune seminar ~(I was in severe pain for five weeks) the second picture is what it looked like on our way home to Florida after the autoimmune seminar- no pain and you can clearly see my ear go back to it’s normal size and shape and the flesh came back to it’s normal color..~~~Jesus healed me! I want to thank you Diane & Kelly for praying for me as well.
God Bless you all! Bernedette N./Florida/09/15.
Man! This is nuts! I got healed! It didn’t take as long as I thought it would. I did all the steps in the list except 4 and 6 and only watched the rejection video and participated in the deliverance section at the end of the video by myself (releasing hate, asking father to forgive me, and speaking in tongues (that was my 1st time speaking in tongues too but I was willing to do anything, I was so desperate for help and broken). As I followed along at the end of the video with the self healing, I felt a small wind lose hold around my private area, and I was lighted headed the whole time. Then a few hours into my sleep I was awoken and I felt a tingling/static feeling all over my body. Right then and there I yelled “spirit of impotence, I command you to loose your self from me right now and go in Jesus name! It left.” Mike your videos are life savers, thank you but most of all I thank Jesus for his alright name! I’m really happy, but sad for the people who will suffer for the rest of there life because of their atheism, or refusal to come to Christ. Thank you friend! God bless you and your ministry. I will send a donation sometime soon. Ryan/CA/08-15.
Thanks again for your obedience Mike. The ripple effect is more glorious than you know. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “LOVE CAUSES YOU TO GO PLACES.” 07/15.
Bro. Mike, You know, it has been incredible to not be living from a place of pain anymore since my deliverance with you. Every day I wake up in that day, instead of in the past. But a greater joy than even that is to have seen and now hear my son with joy in his heart. Our God is such a loving and gracious Father! And you are such a loving and gracious servant of the Almighty. We are eternally thankful to you! Love you. Tamera T./Phoenix/07-15.
WOW. I needed this message and it was POWERFUL. I’ve never heard of God’s love (and like) for us taught this in-depth. This teaching really provided a breakthrough for me about God’s Love. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “LOVE, JEHOVAH STYLE.” 07/15.
Thumbs up! The Lord is good and He brought this message at the perfect time! Another great one! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “AFFECTIONS” 06/15.
Thank you for sharing this. Very insightful teaching. God bless you. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “MENTAL ILLNESS SEMINAR.” 06-15
I send each day listening to the teachings of Bro. Mike. I love this channel and the truth being shared. Prasie God! Thank you Lord! Thank you Bro. Mike for being obedient and bringing the Word. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “WOMEN OF GOD SEMINAR.” 06-15.
This teaching has revolutionized my spiritual progress! NO KIDDING!!! For decades, I have wrestled with NTD….negative thought disorder. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “FEAR. SATAN’S MIND CONTROL” 06/15.
Thank you and Bless you and your loved ones. I was at your Women’s ministry night seminar with 5 other friends and saw them delivered. As well as myself from the spirit of rejection. When you were praying over me and had your hand on the top of my head, I felt like I was on the edge of the universe and fell from that distance and into my body. WOW,WOW, WOW! Just amazing. I’m watching and listening to you and your teachings on YouTube for the past couple of hours and sharing my experience with other friends. I met you about 5 years ago at a friends house in Camp Verde. It was amazing. I was bewildered and don’t know if I noticed much but since including last night, absolutely. I live in Cottonwood and Diane and I will be journeying more to learn more from you all. Bless you and much Love. Many thanks, Sharon D./Cottonwood, AZ/05-15.
Awesome!!! So glad you had a women’s night. We are hungry and tired of the grief, hurt, pain, rejection etc. Still digesting co-dependent mom. That opened my eyes. I only had related it to a husband. Wow, set free, free indeed. So glad to have been able to have come. Understanding is opening up, more power and authority–people calling for prayer, noticing the power and authority. As soon as I kneel, the power falls. Makes for a wonderful way to start the day! Friends saying–let me know when you are going again. Thank you Michael and your team for being sensitive to the cry of the Christians and following in the steps of Jesus, to help all of us. The hours you devote to the cry is such a blessing to us. May God bless you all abundantly. Diane L./Phoenix/05-15.
Best site on utube, in my opinion ! Thank you JESUS!!! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “WOMEN OF GOD SEMINAR.” 06/15.
Amazing Vid! Keep killing it! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “ANXIETY DISORDERS.” 05/15.
Hi Mike, Thank you for your message on why praying doesn’t work. Many christian friends continue to pray for things which clearly are rightfully ours according to God’s word whereas I have for some time had a somewhat different approach, which was confirmed by your message. I find your messages uplifting and a breath of fresh air – no beating around the bush. Thanks again.
Hi Mike, Thank you for your message on why praying doesn’t work. Many christian friends continue to pray for things which clearly are rightfully ours according to God’s word whereas I have for some time had a somewhat different approach, which was confirmed by your message. I find your messages uplifting and a breath of fresh air – no beating around the bush. Thanks again. God Bless. Teija S./CA/05-15.
Brother Mike, Believers authority, why prayer does not work! Best teaching ever! Fell asleep listening to it last night and cannot wait to finish the teaching! On point….hit me to the core. Everything that you said happened to me, then I blamed the Lord for not helping me when the demons came after me. It is sad that I did not use my authority sooner! I thank you for this teaching! I told my husband about your ministry yesterday! I cannot wait to meet you! Caroline S./CA/05-15.
Wow! Brother Mike is Right ON! He is beyond smart! May the good Lord bless him and his loved ones. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “DO YOU HAVE A FAKE SOUL?” 05/15.
Isa. 53:40 is some scary stuff! Thanks again HOH for not only helping people get free God’s way, but exposing lies! As boken ppl, we are so hungry for Gods healing and the Holy Spirit. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “KUNDALINI SPIRITS.” 05/15.
I love your sermons. They are so encouraging, So uplifting, makes you want to get up and fight for your spiritual life, To put on the full Armour of Yahweh and stand on His Word. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “FIRST LOVE.” 05/15.
I’m shocked to see the story of my life in this video. It all makes sense now. Thank you ever so much for this bro Mike. I will prepare for my own deliverance, in the name of our Lord and Saviour. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “OVERCOMING REJECTION.” 05-15.
There is no question the message last night was the best I have ever heard. It was the subject and the timeliness of it. Word after word and example after example my spirit resonated with what you were teaching. I will need to listen to it a few more times in order to really grasp everything. I so appreciated that you talked about teaching truth that was very expensive for you to learn in an effort to save people time and pain. YOUTUBE COMMENTON VIDEO “THE BELIEVER’S AUTHORITY.” 05-15.
Mike, these videos are so helpful, thank you. God bless you 🙂 YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “BOYS & GIRLS GONE WILD.” 05/15.
Excellent teaching, line upon line precept on precept.. I have been blessed by Michaels teaching, he sticks with the word. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO ‘BLESSING BLOCKERS.” 05/15.
Taking notes and trusting god. Groundbreaking. Period. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “ROOT CAUSES OF BACKSLIDERS.” 05/15.
Hello and Thank You!!! God continually Bless you and your family. Thanks for the Scriptures and videos…I am already seeing and feeling results and looking for complete deliverance…The spirit of witchcraft is leaving my premises in Jesus name. Ann P./WA/5-15.
I’ve watched quite a few of these teachings and I feel this is groundbreaking! Let’s pray that the Lord rises up other ministries that teach what’s is really behind mental illness! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “I’M SCARED. PHOBIAS.” 04/15.
Just watched it last night! Whoa Nelly! Your humility, obedience & Godly Wisdom kicks in to HIGH GEAR…because of the faithfulness you & your wonderful staff. You’ve probably already buckled your HOLY seatbelts because countless people are BLESSED by this anointing the Lord has crowned you guys with! Words just don’t cut it in expressing my gratefulness to you. As they say in German, “AUSGESEIGHNET!!!”….. (outstanding). I notice how the enemjy tries to come in &CANCEL my deliverance. BLESSINGS! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “SOUL TIES.” 04/15.
Perfect thank you! Ive always been thinking about stuff way to much and I felt like complete crap today and God brought this video to my recommend to watch. Its exactly what I needed! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON ‘SELF PITY’ VIDEO. 03/15.
Thank you for stepping forward and teaching. God will bless you. You are a blessing- be encouraged to continue teaching! Without a doubt, this is a vital and life saving ministry. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “DELIVERANCE TRAINING.” 03/15.
Go, brother Michael, go! Thank’s for your videos and greets from Germany 🙂 YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “PERSONALITY TEMPERAMENT.” 03/15.
I have to say it again brilliant teaching! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “ANXIETY DISORDERS.” 3/15.
Brilliant video’s Michael in uncovering the schemes off the enemy – Like yourself I’m miffed off! I didn’t know I had a demon for many years until I wore down it’s legal rights by fighting back! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO ‘THE SPIRIT WORLD’ PART II. 03/15.
Bless you brother Mike for your teachings! I have watched several of your videos and these have opened my spiritual eyes! Finally, I can now see where I have been deceived for many years, buying the lies of satan! God bless you and your Ministry! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “EPH. 1.” 02/15.
Awesome presentation! Looking forward to more presentations. You have helped me out a lot. May God bless you. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “HOW THE SPIRIT WORLD OPERATES.” 02/15.
Mike, this message is from the heart of God, keep preaching these truths! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “WHY THE AMERICAN CHURCH DOES NOT WORK.” 02/15.
Thank you Brother Mike. I think you are very special to God! You make me laugh out loud and you convict me to cry and repent. Bless you for your courage and service to God. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “BLESSING BLOCKERS.” 01/15.
Best teaching you will ever receive on overcoming the wiles of the devil! God Bless you Brother Mike! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “MINISTERING TO THE MENTALLY ILL.” 01/15.
Amen! Truly an amazing message. COMMENT ON YOUTUBE VIDEO “HUMAN SEXUALITY.” 01/15.
Thank you so much again for showing me this! This is truly a life changing message. COMMENT ON YOUTUBE VIDEO “HUMAN SEXUALITY.” 01/15.
Thank you, sooo much. I can’t thank you enough for what you have helped me with and what you have helped me through. Thank you so much for working with me and being so patient and caring. I can’t thank you enough for what you allow the Lord to do through and with you. I see how you are helping and impacting so many lives. Bringing back REAL hope in this country. *:(( crying You are a rare find here in America. I know, I have searched, compared, and narrowed it down to your ministry. This ministry is a one of a kind, find. I can’t wait to come into your area to visit. Thank you JESUS CHRIST! Praise the FATHER! *:D big grinDon W./Tx./01/15.
You expressed my prayers for this ministry. May you all receive the same reward you’ve given us. Your ministry provides soul saving teachings free of charge. Words can’t express the way I feel. Glory. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “KUNDALINI SPIRITS” 01/15.
Bro Michael you are a great teacher. You have a great Ministry. I’m learning so much from your teachings. God bless you and your family. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “KUNDALINI SPIRITS.” 01/15.
Just found you all today. So glad I did. Can’t stop watching the videos. Learning alot. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “KOINONIA.” 12/14.
Hi Mike, I would like to thank the Lord Jesus Christ and you for my deliverance. The very next day, I did not feel any lust waking up. Also, I do not feel as hungry as I used to after a meal. Right now, I’m working on the post-deliverance 12 steps. Eventually in the future, I would like to start doing deliverances. Jeremy G./New York/12-14.
FABULOUS, HOLY SPIRIT, FABULOUS! I give all the glory to You! I just released every sexual abuser in my past – online! God richly bless you Bro. Mike! This is perfect for me. This is perfect for me. First I hear the teaching – AND THEN COMES THE MIRACLES! More people have GOT to know about this ministry somehow. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “Women Healing Seminar.” 12/14.
I’m thankful for HOH and your videos. They are soul changing and interesting from a former psychology student. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “86400 Seconds a Day.” 12/14.
What an insightful, helpful & important message to receive. Thank you for clarifying 1 John 5:18, James 4:7. You’re so right, this is a war going on. I’d like to become a real soldier in this for God. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “CHRISTIANS RECEIVE DEMONIC SPIRITS AND PUT UP WITH THEM.” 12/14.
My Dear brother: We are so immersed in the videos you sent us that we have not come up for air, they are so informative and contain so much information that we have found so useful and relevant to our direction. I wanted to thank you personally for you taking the time out of your already busy schedule to think of us enough to care that we receive correct information and in depth teaching. Bro. Little/Sis. Alice/N.C./12-14.
Excellent, excellent message! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “BE HEALED OF FIBROMYALAGIA.” 12/14.
I really needed this vid today. Great encouragement for me which I need. I’ve had enough negativity and condemnnation. Need positive encouragement now. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “SATAN’S GREATEST WEAPON. PEOPLE.” 12/14.
Thank you so much for posting this wonderful lesson. May G-d bless you and your ministry! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “SOUL TIES.” 11/14.
Hi Mike, Thank you so much for the time you spent with our son. God is so good. All day he was in chronic pain with tight knots in his back. He has been suffering with this for several years. He shared with us that after you prayed all the knots
went away. Yesterday he was still knot free as well. He did share that his biggest problem was lying and he felt something had happened. We are just so thankful and truly believe this will be the beginning of break throughs in his life. He really needs it.
God is so faithful. Thank you for being a faithful servant of His. Blessings to you. Rita M./Phoenix/11/14.
Mike. Im thanking God…It has been my appointed time for deliverance…..I was secretly crying out for years. I am free at last…and clear in mind and pure thoughts. Keith I./Scotland/11-14.
Your teachings gave me such a deep knowledge an power to live in this decadent world. Sometimes as you say its hard to keep going and acting all the time as a son of God. I read many books and teachings such as from the elijah challenge and henry wright. I live between italy and romania and such teachings or words of knowledge are nowhere to be seen. Roberto R./Italy/11-14.
Your video’s on anxiety have DRAMATICALLY helped me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for what you have been called to do. YOUTUBE COMMMENT ON VIDEO “ANXIETY DISORDERS.” 10/14.
Another great talk. Praise God I found your ministry, it seems to be medicine to the soul and sustenance to my spirit man. God has given you the gift of articulation and the ability to paint well a portrait of God’s message and yet simple enough for unbelievers to understand. Thanks and God bless you and your ministry. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “ABSOLUTE TRUTH II.” 10/14.
I watched this video today for the first time and I wish I had watched this years ago because I have dealt with fear and anxiety bad thoughts for awhile now but it has picked up tremendously last 2 months. I feel as I cant get these demons out of me.BUT watching your videos comfort me Mike you are an amazing person I wish I could come out to AZ. To take in a service one day. I feel im geeting a little stonger each day mentally I keep watching your videos keep up the great work you do for the lord. Thanks again. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “ANXIETY DISORDERS.” 10/14.
Thank you soooooo much for these videos, I feel such peace come over my heart listening to you…. God bless don’t stop. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “THURSDAY NIGHT PRAYER. UNCLEAN SPIRIT ROOTS.” 09/14
Eye opening and life changing thank you. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “OVERCOMING REJECTION.” 08/14.
Hi Kelly. Thank you so very much. I’ve already listened to EVERY ONE of the podcast messages, some in fact over and over :). I thank God for this ministry and for you guys being so kind and willing to send me his MP3 messages. There is NO Pastor, Teacher even close to where I live that does what Bro. Mike does and this is heart breaking. Donations that my family and I send send will come though Paypal by credit card. Thank you for taking the time to send me Bro. Mikes podcast they are TRULY A BLESSING! Maria N./Clover SC/08/14.
You are preaching to nations!!!! I’m from England and yr ministry is delivering myself and my family, thankyou for being a disciple of the Lord. YOUTUBECOMMENT ON VIDEO “OVERCOMING REJECTION” 08/14.
A great message. Praised the Lord! YOUTUBE COMMMENT ON VIDEO “GOD WILL PROVIDE.” 08/14.
Thanks for posting. I just subscribed to your channel! I have been listening to the messages on fear and anxiety. Thank you Jesus for your delivering power! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “STOP LETTING YOUR EMOTIONS RULE YOU.” 08/14.
Bro. Mike, Thank you so much for your wise and timely teaching. Last night you spoke about not repenting for the thoughts the Enemy puts in our minds, but rather to rebuke him and not accept the thought. Today, I experienced this principle for myself. The thoughts hurt my heart so badly that I was crying and as I was crying I was repenting for the thing that was hurting me so bad. Then your teaching came to mind and I rebuked the thoughts instead. Sure enough! The tears stopped and my countenance returned to being full of joy. The thoughts were not true to my character. 🙂 I thank God for your teachings and God’s confirmation in my life. Tamera/Livestream Viewer/08-14.
Bro Mike please be encouraged you are totally ministering the ‘Word’ of God! Thank-You to the utmost!!! Please be being blessed Mike! Please stay strong bro regardless of the facebook attacks! We love you man! Peace! Tracy E./Phoenix/08-14.
Awesome teaching! So true! I thank you almighty FATHER GOD for this teaching that will save many! GOD bless you, Michael and your ministry! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “BE HEALED OF FIBROMYALAGIA.” 07/14.
Praise report! I had you pray for my niece Tara who was having a hard time getting pregnant and I just found out that she is pregnant so thanks for your prayers! Please pray that the baby is healthy and that she has a good pregnancy! Karen D./Phoenix/2014.
We were down last Friday and my husband was very excited. Saturday morning for the first time in a long time he had his sense of smell back. I believe we are going to try to come down this Friday again. Janice F./Glendale, AZ/07/14.
I’ve had a total break through after watching the Women’s Healing Night video, plus my husband turned to Jesus! Thank you very much. Hazel B./Co./ 07-14.
Thank you for your videos, they have blessed me and i’m sure many others as well.It is clear that you are doing what God has called you to do, spreading his word and love .May God bless you and open. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “UNCLEAN SPIRITS. ROOT OF ADDICTION.” 06/14.
I just gained a lot of respect for you when you said that you didn’t know what the verse meant. Humility with such extensive knowledge. God bless you. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “CARNAL CHRISTIANS.” 06/14.
I watched your 2 hr 54 minute video on getting healed from rejection. I did not realize how all the problems I am wrestling with now stem from the demonic presence of rejection. You had so many insights, I filled 8 pages with notes – pretty unusual for me to even take notes during a sermon. Bless your ministry. Stephan G./MI/06-14.
After watching video Overcoming Rejection i felt certain power in me. In matter of facts I receive salvation now after praying and weeping to God. I was a sinner thro your video watch and teaching the lord touched me. Help me now to stand firm in salvation highway..looking to hear from you. Issac O/Nigeria/06-14.
Excellent teaching as always the Holy Spirit makes these teachings timely for my own deliverance. Many blessings to you and your ministry team. Technical feedback: excellent video clarity, audio able. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “THE REALM OF THE SOUL.” 06/14.
How awesome our God is. I just got a check for $650. My rent! I watched the videos and repented just as if I was there in the meeting…I was delivered of the rejection. It Was amazing! Then, while watching Eph1….O.M.G!!! I had the m.o. of when stressed to the max, I’d go to pieces, screaming, crying, pacing, a total meltdown. Most unattractive. I had been doing that a lot in fear over my rent….Now, I AM FREE! You spoke out to someone, “The moment of terror”! Instantly, I was reliving a ‘freak out’ episode my mother had when I was maybe 4 or 5. That was my “moment of terror”! It is gone! “Peace, not as the world gives…”
God sent your ministry to me! Praise His Holy Name! Thank you, Gina W/Phoenix/06-14.
AWESOME video! Really opens the spiritual eyes to what’s REALLY going on behind the scene of being tormented and life just being too much. Appreciate your work to get the truth out there, Mike! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “OVERCOMING REJECTION.” 06/14.
Thank you so much. Big help. Now i truly understand whats been going on. I work during the night now but back then i couldn’t sleep because of anxiety. Now i know how to deal with it and sleep. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “CAST OUT ANXIETY” 06/14.
This a great video and ministry if you have mental and spiritual issues and need a helping hand up and out of the corner that the devil has pushed you into! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “MINISTER TO THE MENTALLY ILL.” 06/14.
I brought a few of my friends down to House of Healing last Friday night. Great seminar on truth and my 3 friends got some deliverance and 1 of them received healing in her back (she was taken off pain meds and was all hunched over and sweating) she was healed stretching and running the spot on her lung was removed and she forgave her dad. I didn’t get a chance to say hi to my awesome friends kelley and mike so much deliverance’s, healing, freedom that night going on at the house of healing. I would have to say one of my most favorite places to be in Arizona. Johanna L./Prescott/May 2014.
Wow! Very informative. I learned a lot and I’m so excited about it. Thank you. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “RUN SATAN RAGGED.” 05/14.
As a married man I learned a lot and from most all of the seminars…..thank you…the audio and video was all spot on and allowed the viewer to focus on the message alone it is awesome…thank you. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “WOMEN’S HEALING NIGHT” 05/14.
I am a frequent listener of your healing videos on YouTube. They have been such a blessing to me and to my mother. It helped me to overcome my fear and anxiety! I was caught in debilitating fear last year and emailed you, requesting for prayer for me and for my mom who was experiencing the same thing and for my dad who had cancer. He had surgery and the cancer is gone and my mom has improved vastly. Thank you so much for all the prayers and the healing videos, they are such a blessing! Wm. S./WV./May 2014.
Dear Bro Mike: I was introduced to your ministry by my fiancé Albert (Anguilla) and I must say thank God for him and for your ministry that has helped to transform my Christian life and way of thinking. My prayer request is for the healing of my eye that I may see without having to wear these glasses. I must confess that praying the prayers at the end of last Thursdays session was what I needed as I was willing to count the cost and release those who hurt me in my past now I have peace, thank God for you! Kinesha D./Phoenix/May 2014.
Dear Mike, My cousin Wayne R. lead me to you, and I just want to thank you for what you have done for him, and what you in turn have done for me. It is very refreshing to hear the gospel taught in a real and “in your face” way, the way I feel it should be taught. Having gone to many Christian churches, listening to you is like finally hearing the truth, especially when dealing with the enemy. Living in Boston, I follow you on YouTube and this web site, and hope to someday meet you when I visit my cousin. God Bless You.
Steve H./Boston/May 2014.
God is amazing. Every time I am dealing with an issue, you teach about it. The Holy Spirit wants us to be set free. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “GOD WILL MAKE A WAY.” 05/14.
This really hits home. Very good informative video. An eye opener. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “OVERCOMING REJECTION” 05/14.
Mike: I just wanted to do a quick report and to let you know how grateful my son (Jacob) and I are for what God has done for us through you and your ministry. I don’t know if you remember us or not, but last year Jacob (then 14 yrs old) and I came to visit you and you personally ministered to Jacob who was then suffering with severe anxiety and having constant anxiety attacks. He was at the time a new believer of just a few months. Aside from the deliverance he received, what you taught us enabled him to get completely free of the enemy’s oppression and bad thinking that enabled it. Rob J./Phoenix/2014.
Nice solid foundational teaching. Much better then the cnurchianity ‘stuff’ I’ve heard in the past that just meant to give listener goose bumps. I Thank the Lord Jesus for your teaching and anointing that has given me much deliverance and understanding; have more to go but this journey is by far from over…Take care. YOU TUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “EPH. 1.”
Brother Mike, Yesterday I was led to your Youtube video on the spirit of rejection. I had it minimized and was mostly listening to it as I was at work. I could identify with almost everything you said about having a spirit of rejection. At the end when you were doing the deliverance, I repeated the prayers and commands you were speaking and started retching at my desk and coughing. I actualy had to run to the bathroom to throw up. I belive I am free of the spirit of rejection that has plagued me since I was a little girl and has caused me to suffer depression, anxiety, low self esteem, failed relationships etc. I especially could identify when you said that when a person has the spirit of rejection, their real self is subdued and never comes to the fore. I have always felt, in my heart of hearts, that i was more than what the world knew of me. I praise God for what He is doing in my life. When i went home last evening, I had the best, sweetest, most restful sleep I have had in recent memory. Thank you for your ministry and may God increase you from glory to glory. Greetings from Nairobi, Kenya. Muthoni K. 04/14.
I’m so grateful the Lord led me to HOH. In 90 days so much has transpired in my actions, words, boldness,understanding of myself, friends and towards my oldest son who lives with me. A noticeable positive paradigm shift is happening with him as he talks about God, Jesus and his fears. I know from your cd’s it is rejection demons from trauma pregnancy and birth. I am surprised and thankful at the calm boldness I am experiencing now with him. I want prayer for the Lord to help him get to a Thursday nite prayer time- soon. Blessings. Sharon B./Phoenix/April 2014.
My husband and I watched the teaching last night. The way you teach makes this very simple to understand. Fear left along with a few others. Thank you, Jesus! Thank you for your compassion for the captives. God bless. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “ANXIETY DISORDERS.” Mar. 2014.
What an anointed teaching. Thank You Holy Ghost! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “USHERING IN THE HOLY GHOST” Mar. 2014.
That was a great message brother Mike! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “AFFECTIONS.” Mar. 2014.
Your ministry is a blessing. I thank God for using people like you as his instruments. I’m so definitely sure that God has an incredible plan for you and your ministry! Thank You 🙂 YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “WHY NOT YOU?” Mar. 2014.
Bro. Mike, I’m sure you hear it all the time, but I want to tell you anyway. God is doing such an incredible work in the lives of my husband and me since our initial meeting with you. Besides my deliverance and healing, my husband was healed of chronic back pain and anxiety as soon as we entered HOH Friday night! 🙂 Also, God has been speaking to me through His Word, just as you prayed! Peace that passes understanding with unspeakable joy are truly evident in our home, lives, marriage… We are both so hungry for more and more and more. 🙂 Thank you for being God’s bondservant! We look forward to growing, learning, experiencing so much more. 🙂
Tamara T./Phoenix/Mar. 2014.
I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know that I was freed from the Kundalini spirit this week and after watching and praying with you during the seminar on Friday. It all started earlier in the week, the Holy Spirit kept speaking to me saying “Kundalini” so I looked it up and didn’t think much of it because I really haven’t practiced Yoga or eastern meditation very much, however I have been entrenched in Charasmatic circles. Then a few days later I received your email that connected the two – WOW was I surprised. I would NEVER have know that I was filled with this spirit if the Lord hadn’t spoken to me and your ministry brought it to life. Victoria R./New York/Feb. 2014.
I am so thankfull that I found you! I believe this is a correct understanding of the Gospel. We need this healing for our life here in Roumania! We receive it through your work and perseverance… YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “KATHREN KUHLMAN.”
I just wanted to share. I was just watching your video ministries, and when I got to this one (anxiety disorders), the one where you point blank say “phobias are fake, they are a lie,” I stopped and a thought hit me, just like you said, my “phobias” I didn’t used to be afraid of, my “phobias” are actually things that I have loved in my past 30 years of living and have just recently become afraid of them, and when that clicked I literally started laughing uncontrollably and felt such a weight lifted from me. It would be like me sitting on my couch today, but being afraid of it tomorrow! LOL it makes no sense. They ARE fake, they ARE a lie. Now that I know this and everything else I learned from your video’s, I don’t feel hopeless anymore. I can’t stop smiling! God is amazing! Thank you for pointing me to the videos! Nikki J./Washington/Feb. 2014.
I think u r great! I have watched a lot of your teaching and it is highly recommended as an ex psychiatric nurse. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “GOD IS NOT MAD ANYMORE.” FEB. 2014.
Keith R. wrote: “Took time tonight to watch this and wow. Looking forward to watching more that I saw in your archives. I haven’t heard good foundational word like this since I was a kid. Very few churches talk about deliverance and being endued with the power of the Holy Ghost anymore. It’s a shame your church is over 1000 miles away. Anyway keep sending the word forth your making an impact here in Kentucky!” FACEBOOK COMMENT. FEB. 2014.
Pastor Mike, You Are An Amazing Teacher Bro! I Legitmatly Spoke In Tongues For The First Time In My Life! Your Teachings Are A Blessing To More People Than You Know! Greetings From Orlando, FL…And God Bless You! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “CHARISMA.” FEB. 2014.
Thank you. I watched the lust video and received deliverance that evening…then my inferiority complex kicked in overdrive and wrote a dumb email to my boss and created havoc. I was lead to watch this video and will get deliverance tonight. Thank you for such excellent teachings. 30 yrs and no church has taught this. May the Lord lead me to fulfill his will for my life. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “OVERCOMING REJECTION.” FEB. 2014.
I thank Jesus for my deliverance on 1-7-14–so much has transpired in one month. “God isn’t mad at me anymore”
2-7-14- was outstanding for me. Thank You. Sharon B./Phoenix/Feb. 2014.
I have been listening to your teachings with my friend and got free from spirit of rejection..was really throwing up and stomach burning ..be blessed hope one day you will come to finland ..this country needs a lot of deliverance. Stephanie H./Finland/Feb. 2014.
Hello Mike, I don’t know if you remember me. My daughter Callie struggled with a congenital heart defect and DiGeorge for quite a long time. You prayed for her relentlessly. Callie was miraculously healed of necrotic bowel in 2007 and God continued to heal her bit by bit as the years went on. Callie received her full heart repair in 2010 and now thrives. She walks and talks and eats and even goes to school (third grade). I was just thinking of you recently and how much you have done for us during those years. I would love to send you a picture of her via email if that is possible or if you have a fb page, I could send it to you there. Anyway, I am glad to see your ministry thriving in Arizona. I wish we lived closer to you. God Bless you and please give my best to your lovely wife, Karen and Callie S./Florida/2014.
Mike, I attended Friday nights teaching about the Spirit of Heaviness–awesome teaching! I had to leave right when you were calling people to the front as my ride had been waiting on me. I have also been listening to the teachings and feel “lighter”. I look forward to enjoying more and changing my life for the best! Janet R./Phoenix/Jan. 2014.
Thank you for your ministry. I’m an American who has lived in Moscow, Russia for most of the past 22 years. (Came here as a missionary, but have been on the sidelines for more than 10 years after a “crisis” of faith.) Recently, the Lord directed me to you on YouTube and I’ve spent hours and hours listening to your teachings and going through the deliverance and healing sessions at the end. I’m seeing a positive difference in me and learning a lot that hopefully will benefits others. The Lord bless you! Since I listened to the rejection video and the Ephesians video (God’s love for me is a struggle) I have not taken any anxiety/depression medicine. This is so amazing. Barbara S./Jan. 2014.
God bless. I started watching you on you tube a few months ago. I have to say that your messages have really changed the way i see things now. Lisette S./Conn./Dec. 2013.
Hi Micheal, Donna Partow sent me your way a while back and you prayed for at one of your Wednesday night services. I have not had a migraine since. So thank you! Christina S./Phoenix/Dec. 2013.
Thank you for prayer for me! Last week I emailed you a prayer request to pray for healing from chrones disease taht I was diagnosed with about 10 years ago. You emailed me about the livestream seminar you were having last Friday night. How amazing is God that His timing is always perfect! I’ve been learning about deliverance and other truths never taught to me in the church this past year and your seminar opened my eyes to even more. Staci Z./Nov. 2013.
Thank you Holy Ghost. I am healed. My stomach was swollen and has flattened. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “WHY CHRISTIANS DON’T GET HEALED.” Nov. 2013.
Thank you for your messages and helping me. I think you have a very unique style of explaining thought patterns in relation to spirituality. I believe you are a true man of God. I hope more people come to learn of your work and practice for the lord. May the lord continue to bless your work you do for him:) Amber/Nov. 2013/Phoenix.
Such an anointed teaching at a time it was prayed for, what a blessing! God bless you, your ministry and family:) YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “MEDITATION.” Nov. 2013.
Thank you for sharing this information. I have been fasting to get nearer to God. God bless you. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “MEDITATION.” Nov. 2013.
Man i love you brother this is game on God is good so good. Im so glad we have revelation bless you for your ministry may the Lord bless you and keep you may his light shine upon you may you rest in perfect peace among the land of the living! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “SPIRITUAL WARFARE.” Nov. 2013.
Great teaching on the difference between public and private Glossa. That passage in 1 Cor 14 used to confuse me. Very detailed and clearly taught. Thank you! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “UNHINDER YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTS.” NOV. 2013.
By the way, you have a service on Youtube called Thursday Night Service and you talked a lot about the false self and the fantasy life people live in. It was dead accurate, such a good teaching. So true. When I listen to your teachings, I listen to the whole thing, even though they are over 2 hours, I listen to the whole thing and take notes and pray during the prayer session time at the end. I have found the teaching on Psalm 37 to be very helpful and the teachings on rejection too. I watch them over and over again. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “PSALMS 37.” NOV. 2013.
I just want to thank Hardcore Christianity for being willing to help people who need deliverance, for addressing an issue all of the church should be doing but isn’t. Shauna S./Divine Gifts Ministry/Phoenix/Nov. 2013.
I would like to thank you for your blessing. This is the first time in my life, i really know who i am. i had fears living in my mind all these years and a form of insecurity because i felt i was the only one in the world like me. These thoughts plagued me all my life until i went to your healing session. Something surely happened to me that night. I feel i was just released from a life sentance and for some reasom i have no more thoughts. I believe that part of my brain was dormant all my life and now all the doors in my mind are opened only to accecpt good thoughts. I seem to forgive everyone in the past. You told me forgive not just with words but in my heart. Now i really do. Thank you again for your kindness and generosity. I felt something that night that i never felt before and i know 100% it will stay with me all my life. Joseph S./Phoenix/Nov. 2013.
I really get a lot from your God given gifts and talents, because it exposes the hidden things or the things we take for granted . I was demonized for years because of soul travel and had a supernatural deliverance about 30 years ago . I returned to Jesus and the Adventure is ongoing. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “MINISTERING TO BACKSLIDERS.” 11/13.
This is this the most wonderful teaching I have heard on deliverance. I think I have a seducing spirit attacking my mind. I have suffered from crippling OCD, Anxiety and Fear for 20 years and I have not found anyone who understands or has been able to help me get set free. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDO “ANXIETY DISORDERS.” 10/13.
Thank you Mike for Friday night’s meeting I attended. You prayed over me and I was totally hit by the Holy Spirit while you were ministering, I remember feeling something leave out the body. I must have been out on the floor for a while. I did try to get up several times but it was like I was clued there. Apparently that’s where God wanted me. I still felt the Holy Spirit working on Saturday. Thank you it was needed! Ruth S./Phoenix/Oct. 2013.
I just wanted to say how blessed I am by your ministry via your Youtube Channel. I have learned so much and have been set free from many spirits, predominantly the spirit of rejection. I am so happy that I found your channel and ministry. Albeit a small donation, I plan on giving it once a month because I know this is good soil. Michael, you are something else man…I love how freely you share the anointing on your life…makes me want to do the same. It’s all about living free in Christ everyday! I am experiencing such freedom and loving every minute of it. God bless, and be encouraged, this ministry rocks! Israel M./NY/Oct. 2013.
All this week I have watched your teachings, been through several deliverances and delivered my daughter. We have been most blessed! Wow, she is 11 but she has enjoyed watching your teachings with me. She enjoys your humor and you have really reached her. She got angry with these spirits that were on her, she called them out, yelled at them and sent them packing! After deliverance, her whole attitude has improved, no longer rebellious or talking back, arguing etc. I had cancer at 24, was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and CFS, I have battled abuse most of my life, anxiety, depression so many physical ailments, even though I was born again 3 years ago, I am now 42 and because of your help, I’m getting healed and delivered through this ministry, I feel peace and freedom like never before. I see the need for these messages and your teachings to spread, I have sent the link for your ministry to several people that I know need this help. Also because of help from you and Kelley, my dad has been healed and delivered the past few days. He was very ill and after talking to Kelley and watching your videos, Dad is doing so much better. Just wanted to share this with you, God bless, Karyn W./Wash./Oct. 2013.
My. I just wanted to say how blessed I am by your ministry via your Youtube Channel. I have learned so much and have been set free from many spirits, predominantly the spirit of rejection. I am so happy that I found your channel and ministry. Albeit a small donation, I plan on giving it once a month because I know this is good soil. Michael, you are something else man…I love how freely you share the anointing on your life…makes me want to do the same. It’s all about living free in Christ everyday! I am experiencing such freedom and loving every minute of it. God bless, and be encouraged, this ministry rocks! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “OVERCOMING REJECTION.” OCT. 2013.
Praise report! On Friday night I was delivered from fear I had lived with my whole life! Someone prayed over me and my husband for my womb because I’ve been unable to carry a baby. We left Friday night free and on fire for God and I asked God to give me a dream that night and when I slept I dreamt the deliverance was still going and in my dream. An evil spirit came out of my womb and I woke up from the dream and had been delivered in the physical. My womb/lower abdomen feels like it is super light and empty like something has left! Ever since Friday I find it much easier to breathe and can still feel the burden lifted! My sleep paralysis and nightmares are also gone. Thank you guys so much for your ministry! We are spreading the word and will return as soon as we can. We already plan to pray over some family members in the upcoming days. Thanks again! Praise God for His mercy! Much love. Taylor/Phoenix/Oct. 2013.
Dear Family in Christ, I just received back the gold ribbon cloths I sent to you for prayer. Please thank Michael Smith for them and all of you who prayed. The Lord healed my breathing as I slept with a cloth/ribbon on my chest….HALLELUJAH! I also sent two anointed cloths home with a friend who’s mother has lung cancer and who’s husband has COPD……So I am believing Abba for more miracles. I pray your healing ministry continues to flourish and that the Lord sends a deeper and more powerful healing anointing than you have ever known. My heart if full of Thanksgiving to Jesus and to you also. Love you all. Lynn/Washington State/Oct. 2013.
One of the best youtube channels for the Saint’s that I have ever seen. Great job and I do want to support this deliverance ministry. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “THE SPIRIT OF REJECTION.” 10/13.
This brother is a very gifted teacher and his teachings are brilliant. So happy the laughing lady did not ruin this message. I also love that this guy not only looks like Chandler of Friends but he dresses like him and acts like him too. He is easy to listen to and he teaches well. Great message. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “FEAR GOD” VIDEO. 10/13.
Hey I got this message and it worked! I have been battling to get off of Adderall (Methamphetamine) for years because of chronic fatigue, being bed ridden if I didn’t take it. I had been laying in bed for three days after I flushed them down the toilet. I found this message on youtube now I am out of bed, getting myself dressed, training for a marathon!! Yes Sir A MARATHON! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “STOP IT” TRAINING VIDEO. 10/13.
Life changing stuff. Thank you for sharing. Love this channel. Stay blessed. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “OVERCOMING REJECTION” VIDEO. 10/13.
Outstanding! How can one laugh and be convicted @ the same time? God bless you and I will stop it!!!!!!!!!YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “STOP IT” TEACHING. 10/13.
I love you brother! God bless you and thank you so much for this teaching! I have much more clarity on dealing with these nasty foul spirits now. Thank you sir! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “SPIRITUAL WARFARE.” 09/13.
Just a quick note to say how much I appreciate your teaching videos. Absolutely love them. They restore my faith and trust in God every time I listen. Please never stop uploading them, as I do not think I could tolerate living in the Phoenix heat! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON THE MINISTRY VIDEO TEACHING CHANNEL. 09/13.
“Disciples go to church looking for a fight…” Love it. This video should be seen by thousands. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “4 PARTS OF THE GREAT COMMISSION.” 09/13.
Empowering, thanks for posting this and all of your videos, have leaned so much from this channel. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “5 FOLD MINISTRY.” 09/13.
Mike: I’m sure you were aware of the gratitude of those present on Saturday in Tuba City, AZ at the Aglow Int’l. meeting you taught. You have brought the Light of truth to shine in our darkness. They stayed, shared a birthday treat, rejoicing. We have never felt so free or so at peace, they shared. Much had been lifted off their souls and bodies. The power point was so clear. We want to encourage the ladies to continue in their deliverance and healing when we are there the next two months. Joy M./Aglow Int’l./Prescott, AZ/08/13.
I was at the meeting where Mike was teaching about “AGAPE.” I went forward for prayer and told him my story, he prayed for me and then just held me in his arms for a while. I started crying like a baby because I just DESPERATELY needed a long hug. He let me go and started praying for other people but then he came back and just held me in his arms again and of course I started crying like a baby again. You have NO IDEA how badly I needed that. I am 50 years old and I have never been loved like that! Mike, you will never know what that meant to me, but I just wanted to thank you SO MUCH for loving me! Doug W./Phoenix/Aug. 2013.
I thank the Heavenly Father for showing me this. Blessed! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON MEN’S SEMINAR VIDEO. 08/13.
Praise the Lord! I uncontrollably cried halfway through the video, somehow perceiving more deeply the Father’s love. It’s weird how mentally i knew it but emotionally seems like a part of me won’t believe it…Thank You Lord! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “OVERCOMING REJECTION SPIRITS.” 08/13.
I feel Amazing after our session! A moment full of tears. Tongues all day and b4 bed 🙂 It was so awesome. The Holy Spirit was so present in me. I just feel like a entire different person. I am just so thankful for your time with me and your obedience to God. I also read 1 cor 14! Today I will be reading and singing in Tongues 🙂 I feel so blessed and thankful for your time. Lisa R./Costa Mesa, CA/Aug.2013.
This message is a gold mine. Thank you! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “CHRISTIANS RECEIVE DEMONIC SPIRITS.” 08/13.
Hello! I came to your women’s seminar. It was a new and terrifying experience for me. I stood up when you called us to the front to be healed from sexual abuse, but was afraid of anyone laying hands on me. A women fell on me, I had never seen that happen and it scared me more. I sat down without being prayed for. I thought a lot of the women were being dramatic and I thought it was weird. I sat alone and prayed to God. Begged Him to show me if the experience was real. Begged Him to take things out of me. I started vomiting, and felt God taking the darkness from me. People surrounded me and prayed for me. For hours (at least it felt that long) I was crying and shaking. I was diagnosed 10 years ago with epilepsy. It’s been a very hard thing to live with. That night at the seminar, they were praying it off of me. I went home and didn’t take my medication. Haven’t taken it since before that night. I haven’t had a seizure of any type! Praise God! Thank you for what you do, for listening to God and making miracles happen in His name! Nikki B./Phoenix/July 2013.
Hi. I wanted to send in a praise report. This is Andrea and about a month ago I ASKED YOU TO PRAY FOR THE MAMMON IN MY LIFE. I want to let you know that I was delivered while you prayed for me live and was watching on Livestream. I was healed from this and we have been able to move houses, save some money and be set free from the worries we have had. But the real blessing is that my walk with Jesus feels closer & cleaner (I do not feel so ashamed in his presence) I also asked you to pray for my husband and he was able to speak truth to me for the first time instead of hiding behind religiousness. Thank you for your great Godly ministry and your commitment to Christ. Bless you all. Andrea H./Livestream listener/N.Z./07, 2013.
Very informative! I watch all your videos thank you so much. Please continue to do what u do. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “SPIRITUAL WARFARE. LIVE OR DIE.” 07/13.
I just wanted to thank you again brother! This meeting at the Blessing House changed me and my family’s lives forever. I am going after this with all my being.
I love you Bro! Bryan C./MN/06/13.
Thank you so much for this teaching! You are such a blessing and a Saint for all the work you do to save & deliver our fellow brothers & sisters. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “DEMON OF REJECTION” VIDEO. 06/13.
You made me realize I need to trust in GOD more and know that HE can heal my social anxiety. Thank you. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON VIDEO “ANXIETY DISORDERS.” 06/13.
Gente…tremenda explicacao!!! Wonderful explanation!!! Thank you pastor! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “CONFESSION. THE FUEL OF THE SPIRIT WORLD.” 06/13.
This is the best video and explanation I have ever heard about “what your suppose to be doing as a minister of the gospel” short, simple, and backed up with verses! Gotta love my old head brother mike lol God bless. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “DELIVERANCE TRAINING” VIDEO. 05/13.
I love listening to your videos, I can tell the info. given is out of pure love. The sound at 1:10 was so beautiful I had tears just running down my face. God bless you! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON PRESCOTT SEMINAR VIDEO. 05/13.
Michael, I brought my 10 year old to your service on Friday for the first time. I had a lot of marriage problems when pregnant and her dad left me when she was 6 weeks old. She has always been a great kid but very jealous and often mean to her little sister. She also saw a counselor at school for a few months. She was a bit scared at the service, so a couple people prayed over her. I was glad you and a couple people prayed again. She ended up receiving the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. She didn’t know what either was before it happened to her. All weekend she was singing in tongues, playing well with her little sister, and being very loving. You don’t have to have severe problems to receive amazing help from HOH. Thank you! Chandra F./Peoria, AZ/May 2013.
WOW! Im a born again christian n been wondering why I still had negative thoughts and emotions. Living that way is horrible n been praying for answers n finally ran into ur channel n found this. May the Lord forever bless u for sharing. YOUTUBE COMMENT “CHILDHOOD SEXUAL ABUSE. HEALING WOUNDS” 05/13.
Absolutely OUTSTANDING teaching! Most approach the subject with the idea of throw enough mud at the wall and some will stick. Yours is very down to earth, it makes strong points and takes time to explain and teach. YOUTUBE COMMENT “CHURCH DEMONS: THE KUNDALINI.” 05/13.
AWESOME TEACHING! I use the very same points and explanations as I teach my classes. Your information is compiled differently and on a different subject, But it is used and presented in a very coherent manner that makes the important points stand out. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “CHURCH DEMONS: THE KUNDALINI.” 05/13.
You are sooo right! I work with the mentally ill daily. I can tell you that every one of them believe ‘lies’ as if they are absolutely the truth. And because of this, they live in constant fear. Thank you for this message. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “MINISTERING TO THE MENTALLY ILL.” 05/13.
One of the best Christian channels on YT. YOU TUBE COMMENT. 04/13.
What a powerful teaching, what a revelation brother Mike! God bless you for all these great videos you put out. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “FEAR: HOW SATAN CONTROLS THE HUMAN MIND.” 04/13.
I just watched a you tube video you done. Your such a Blessing. My God use you more & protect you. Donald B./UK/April/2013.
Ding, ding, ding!!! You have hit the nail on the head!! Thanks so much. I will try and call you again. I don’t know if I can do self deliverance, but live in the Pacific Northwest. I did download your recipe. I’ll try to call again. Thanks. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “EMOTIONAL & SEXUAL ABUSE” TEACHING. 04/13.
I like your videos. Very informative. I have been trying to catch as many as I can. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “TEMPTATION” TEACHING. 04/13.
Mike & Ron, I was there Friday night with my best childhood friend. I knew I had a demon. I had organized the trip and dragged my friend along. When the deliverance meeting started I WANTED TO LEAVE SO BADLY. After the deliverance I felt so free and so focused on the Lord and serving Him, its blowing my mind. Even still, i understand that I may need more deliverance and I’m following the outline in James (from Plano Spirits) to choke out all the stragglers, through obedience and complete submission to the Lord. I am still processing everything. Its beautiful. I can’t thank you enough. I’m very very very grateful to you. This never would have happened if you hadn’t given your lives to God’s work. I’m leaving a lot out but I just want you guys to know how grateful I am. May God Keep Blessing you with tons of blessings! You guys are always in my prayers. Tino M./Phoenix/April 2013.
Thanks for clearing this up! It sounded exciting to me, but I’m definitely not gonna touch this stuff. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “ASTRAL PROJECTION” TEACHING. 04/13.
These messages are just awesome!!! Everything I need to hear that’s helping me with my anxiety issues. Praise the LORD!!! 🙂 YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “MINISTERING TO THE MENTALLY ILL” VIDEO. 04/13.
Bro. Mike. Oh praise God for your obedience and the other team members. So many more praises. Keep teaching. People are learning! I love you and your beautiful wife and kelly, marykay, earl oooh soooo much…. I love everybody. God is sooooo Good! Rachel G./Palm Desert, CA/Mar. 2013.
This is probably the best message ever spoken in the world… I’ve literally been experiencing mostly every thing this man has said… The whole world needs to see this video because its all true! May God Bless everyone. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “ANXIETY DISORDERS” TEACHING. 04/13.
Dear Pastor Mike: Your ministry is so amazing! Anytime we are struggling with something, we come to you. We know you have the skill to get us back where we need be. Whether its fear, rejection, etc. we are better because the Lord uses your anointing to deliver! We do and will always send people your way. People in ministry have to be clean before they minister to others. Most of he time they have no idea they are struggling with something like that. You set them free with the anointing the Lord has given you and they are back on the path to do God’s will. Then, you are bringing those that never knew Christ to a freedom from drugs and a life of pain to a life of renewal. So, I had put you my list because I considered you important in my life. I pray God continues to use you and you get to see the harvest for all you have sown into! Thank you for your ministry and the hundreds and maybe thousands you have helped! Janet S./Phoenix/March 2013.
Brother Mike: You have been such an incredible teacher. Because of your teaching I have been able to rid myself of a demon that would latch onto my throat and cause me to choke. This infection lasted almost a year until I heard one of your teachings on the radio and taking your advice-I was able to cast out the demon and I was immediately set free and could swallow again. Bryan and I look forward to complete freedom from these spirits and demons in our lives. Kelly S./Phoenix/March 2013.
I liked the message. Made a lot of sense to me. I am trying to find a way out of the old way and find a new good way. Thank you so much, I needed to hear this and I plan on checking out your other videos;) Have a wondermous day. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “CHRISTIANS RECEIVE & PUT UP WITH DEMONS” TEACHING. 03/13.
I would like to receive some help in my life. I’ve been doing things on my own but would really like HELP with whats being ailing me. I watched your video ministering to the mentally ill on youtube. I was having deep rooted fears that day & I came across your video & I was really set free in many ways! That video was awesome, actually incredible….I’m actually watching “Don’t Despair. Help is on the Way!” as I type. There’s just a few people that I’ve heard ministering that really give the word so clear & straight. You & Andrew Wommack..& I thank God for that! Blessings to you! Liberty R./Kansas/Mar. 2013.
I am so encouraged! I’ve been glued to YouTube watching your teachings! Thank you all or your faithfulness! Love in Jesus! Catherine P./Phoenix/Mar. 2013.
Debbie and I were at the House of Healing last Thur and Fri nights. On Thur. I was delivered from a spiritual wife and transfer spirits. On Friday night you saw what Debbie was delivered from, what an incredible move of the deliverance and healing power of the blood of Yahsuha! Wow, we both have received a great miracle of deliverance and healing! Our lives have been transformed. We came back to El Paso on Sunday, blessed and annointed both of our homes with oil and did spiritual battle and deliverance from demonic spirits over our homes and lives in El Paso. We stayed with my sister Kelly and her husband Bryan while in Phoenix, they were amazed as well to the transformation they have seen in Debbie. I know that our lives have been transformed and we have had a great breakthrough by the Blood of Yahsuha. We will keep on our armor and will be renewed each day by the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your Ministry and the people there, please share this with Kelly and Mary Kay. Bud B./El Paso/Mar. 2013.
I’m so glad to have found this video. I’ve been looking and looking for a study on the armor of God..not just a video of the verses. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “TAKE ON THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD” VIDEO. 03/13.
“My jawbone always felt tight and locked up. I Prayed about all week with the Lord and he revealed to me it was fear spirits that caused the sensation and pain. I was healed by Jesus tonight at House of Healing… Amen!” Valerie H./Phoenix/Mar. 2013.
Brother Mike, Just wanted to let you know the answer to a question you asked me a couple weeks ago. Let me know if your tongue language changes, it did a little then, but after prayer on Friday night it is flowing and no longer choppy or hard to do. Thank you for your ministry. I praise God for you! Tanya F./Phoenix/Mar. 2013.
I’m so thankfull to God for your ministry and for making us part of it. Blessings Pastor see you tomorrow at AX29. Ana P./Chandler/Mar. 2013.
“Father God thank you for brother Mike & the House of Healing. Bless him and his ministry Amen. I am healed for 2 years now. The Holy Spirit & Truth is there every time, in brother Mike’ s bible study’s. If you stay after, you walk into The Miraculous!” Helen F./Phoenix/Mar. 2013.
Thanks to all of you, it is so wonderful to have the quality of people u have working there. I feel so good that I can send my precious husband there & reap the rewards of a surrendered life, getting closer to what our Jesus has 4 us. Thank u for this unique & much needed ministry. Lauren H./Phoenix/Feb. 2013
Hi Brother Mike, I wanted to thank you for the wonderful teaching last Friday evening and for the deliverance service and I am thankful that I was able to attend. It helped me alot! I will be submitting a prayer request in for a friend of mine through the website—he needs much prayer! Again, thank you for all that you do and God Bless! Janel R./Chandler/Feb. 2013.
I just heard a praise report from my friend Faith, who was healed of long term depression this last Friday night at the House of Healing. She’s doing great! Praise God! Three weeks ago our friends were healed, one from cancer the other from years of bitterness. Our friend with cancer was prepared to die. Now she’s excited to live! This Friday I’m bringing my sister in law and niece from CA. …My brother in law has been seriously depressed and on meds for over 1 1/2 years. The whole family is suffering. Please pray! I love this ministry and how the Lord keeps putting people on my heart to invite. The best part is seeing them respond, get healed and be set free. Thanks to Mike, Karen, and everyone on the ministry team! Patty G./Chandler/Feb. 2013.
I am so thankful to have found your ministry! There are so many people who don’t even get it. I suffered with mental illness and was in a hospital for 2 months. I was delivered and I know I can cast out demons inside of me on my own so I did in Jesus name and by the blood of Jesus. The Kundalini left me and before coming to the deliverence service I was unaware of what that actually was. Also when casting out demons, I now know to use my authority in Christ to command them to leave and leave stuff alone too because they can manifest in things. Jesus protects us Praise God! Sandy A./Phoenix/Jan./2013.
Hey there Mike, thank your for taking time to help me and my sister today. We are very thankful for this ministry and how it has taught us ways of freedom and growth. I have been interested for several years of this type of ministry. Glad and most thankful of any stumbling blocks have been removed. I am so thankful for you and your teams dedication obedience and love to Father God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. I do feel good and so does margaret. I learned to use tongues with more authority that was interesting, kinda cool. So i can have joy in tongues, sing and be firm and demanding with them. I want to thank you from the purest love in me for your time and marykays time today it was priceless. God Bless and Grace be with you. God is everything that is good and perfect. My cup overflows. Joanne L./Prescott/Jan./2013.
Praise God. I’m so happy I found you all. I don’t believe it was by accident. I am now learning of Kundalini and how it is deceiving people. Never even heard of it before I just think it is awesome how last week I was at the deliverence ministry and got set free all week. The renewing of my mind happened, I mean it really happened. Veil was set loose… Sandy A./Phoenix/Jan./2013.
I went to the deliverance meeting last night and it was great. If I can get a babysitter I will be back for more meetings and the praise and worship meetings. It is freeing to know that my children are in God’s hands, because I was wearing myself out trying to protect their souls when only Christ can do that! I teach them they way and they know who Jesus is and the Holy Spirit, we go to church every week. I am craving more and I really would like to grow and be a disciple of Jesus. I felt like I had some freedom from last night and I spoke with Earl and he spoke to me about some things I need to let go that I have been holding on to. Praise Jesus. I love this place. Thanks so much! Sandy A./Phoenix/01-13
Post Traumatic Stress Demons! Great video Bro. Mike. Keep doing what your doing. That third of Jesus ministry the church ignores! God bless you! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “PTSD” VIDEO. 12/12.
I watched your youtube video about miracles without doubt. It really helped. I’m in the process of renewing my mind to the word of God and I am stepping out in praying for people’s healing (A Chat healing website) and I’m going to frequent the market place. Blessings, Curt S./Maine/12-31.
Merry Christmas! Thank you for being with me and helping me this past year. You were a very big help. You have ministered to me so much and been a tremendous blessing. I pray God bless you all the more in the new year. May he bless you and keep you. May he make his face to shine upon you. May he multiply every blessing to you. Greg P./Oklahoma/12/12.
I had a look through some of your online videos… some REALLY solid content there, with the much needed focus on repentance. Mike, this teaching is what needs to be in every church. The enemy has done quite a job at ridding the church of it. We’ve done some research into the early church (post Acts), and its surprising the documentation available that shows the church heavily involved taking every new convert through a deliverance process (lasting up to a year) before they even let them in the church! Wow.. have things changed! Steve B./Phillipines/12/12.
This was soooo gooood! The devil tried to get me so distracted, it was hard to resist and stay focused. His stategies were finally brougt to light in this video. No wonder I never get rid of the demons. Woow..very very good tools. Thank you! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “MINISTERING TO THE MENTALLY ILL” VIDEO. 12/12
This is working for me. Praise God alone! I wanted to say thank you for all the videos. I’ve been practicing this overnight on my minor ailments and its working! I was in shock most of the night! God Bless! YOUTUBE COMMENT ON “PISTIS” FAITH VIDEO. 12/12
Thank you so much! The Lord led me to view your video teaching on anxiety on you tube and it helped me alot. God bless you for sharing! I posted it on Facebook and there is already big interest in this. I knew it would help somebody, thank you. I will check out your other videos. YOUTUBE COMMENT ON ANXIETY DISORDER VIDEO. 12/12
AX29 was off the hook tonight. A lady was prayed for by Mike Smith and got out of her wheel chair and started walking and pushed her own wheel chair around, she also took the neck brace she was wearing, healing healing healing! God is moving there because its a united movement representing different ministries, gifting’s and anointing. Steve Sanchez, The Steve Sanchez Show, KXXT Radio, Phoenix/11-12.
Hello Mike,
Thank you for ALL you do each week for people to be set free. You helped me become free of a fear demon a few months ago and have helped my kids get rid of the same demon. It has truly been a blessing. I have written a book recently and am in the final edit stages. I mentioned you and your ministry in my book. One of the ladies doing the edit suggested that I ask your permission to use your name and ministry name. I have learned SO MUCH from your teaching and have not found anyone who teaches on the demonic like you do. Thank you for being so straight forward in your experiences and the truth about the unseen realm. I have brought many people to your services including my mom. She flew in from Texas to go there last March. She had problems with all the electrical devises that everyone carries…cell phone, wireless equipment, etc. When you prayed with her, you found out that she had a spirit of rejection from a divorce 25 yrs ago. The demon came out and she has been healed ever since. Thank you again! Debbie H./Phoenix/Nov. 2012.
This was a significant event for me, life-changing. I’ve been praying in tongues since last night. In fact, when I got home, I prayed over the entire house, Ben, the dogs, everything. Also at work today, whenever I can. I already know who wins the ultimate war, but last night I felt I left the battlefield victorious! I was honored to witness Dennis’ healing. I still get goosebumps thinking about watching him take those steps! Thank you so much for including me Debbie. Thank you Mike and Karen! God bless all of you! Cheryl S./Phoenix/Nov. 2012
Thank you Mike. Last night we attended the women (Mary Kay and Kelly) who prayed and were very annointed and took authority over the devil and he has been defeated. We just finished up a bible study and we are newly refreshed in Christ. Thank you so much. We hope to make it to one of your services real soon. Thank you again. Awesome powerful ministry. Ann S./Phoenix/Nov. 2012.
Brother Mike, I was watching one of the teachings and then I watched the deliverance service and I was following it like a live service and the presence of the Holy Spirit was so thick and my son (Philip and he is 17) was just laying in bed just watching with me. I had more deliverance and these noises coming out of my stomach almost belching then I vomited blood (Witchcraft stuff) and some more and felt so much better. Also my son started to yawn and repeat after you…oh we had a good Holy Spirit encounter. I feel so good and so much lighter. I can not wait to log in to tonite’s service. Thank you brother Mike. You are a heavy General in God’s army. Much respect and Agape, Helen N./Canada/Oct. 2012.
Hello Mike. This is Peter. I want you to know that last night I went on Livestream. I did feel something weird and I don’t really know much about what you do but it works. Thank you so much. Peter G./Phoenix/Oct. 2012.
Came across your website: Anyone teaching/ministering deliverance is OK with me and I know with the Almighty, looks like a very credible work. One of the most needed ministries today. God Bless! Rev. Joseph R./Sugarland, TX./Sept. 2012.
Hi, Mike & Karen! I just wanted to drop a line to let you know that I am doing really well & to thank you again for getting me started down this really good road. I’m now 150 lbs down & I am strong and healthy. God has been really good to me & my bouts of depression and self-destruction are few and far between now. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me. Amy M./Flagstaff/Sept. 2012.
Brother Mike, I really like that you are doing these seminars every Friday. It is such a nice way to end the week and enjoy your a teaching. I would like to serve there wherever is needed if you could just let me know what is needed. Debbie D./Mesa, AZ./Sept. 2012.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Jesus for Mike! Your encouraging words are such a gift and a powerful tool against the enemy! Last week my x-muslim bro in law on the phone said he feels better when he goes on Fridays. I told him to go. He doesn’t want to go by himself. I told him Mike loves you. He said, I know….God is soooooo BIG! Rachel G./San Diago/Sept. 2012
Had a lady healed of TMJ tonight INSTANTANEOUSLY when Michael W. Smith prayed for her … the pain that had tormented her for days was GONE. TBN host & national evangelist with AX29/Joshua Feuerstein/Phoenix/Aug. 2012.
Bro. Mike. Yes, I was at the service last week. Bless you. I was so blessed last Friday. Words cannot express! Janet T./Phoenix/Aug. 2012
I am exceptionally pleased to see an active deliverence ministry such as Hardcore Christianity opperatiing in our inner city. I have seen few ministorial efforts in this area. “But for such a time as this…..” The ministry has brought back an awareness of opposing spiritual forces that seemed to have disippated into, the nice tolerance of the non-offensive church body, so to speak. Delivering and equipping His people with the truth for His name sake. I commend Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Smith and Staff Associations for bringing clarity to the front line. Love you and your ministry, Dana A./Phoenix/Aug. 2012.
LOVE your new website! It is so informative …. can’t wait to listen to all your past teachings that is now available for me online ….. you are one of the best teachers …. so right on with what afflicts the world! The Lord bless your ministry mightily …. you are so needed, Bro Mike! I hope and pray that the Lord can use me to minister to the demon afflicted and possessed if they don’t know the Lord …. even half as much as He uses you! Being diagnosed as bi-polar and having all the classic symptoms of that lie …. I can truly go to the afflicted and say, “been there done that …. I know what you are going thru .. let me now help YOU!!!!” and give God ALL THE GLORY! Katalin H./Phoenix/Aug. 2012.
Thank you for your reply and I also thank you for your teachings. Since attending your teachings in Arizona and getting delivered, I came home wanting to seek the Lord a lot more, its a privilege serving him and I’m enjoying the journey. Thank the Lord and thank you Mike for teaching us the true Gospel. Iris A./Sydney, AU./Aug. 2012
Bro. Mike: WOW! I came calm and came to the service expecting to receive something. I am very joyful today…..Praise Jesus!! Bottom line…Is that I am not feeling the “guilt” feeling I had and I am free of feelings of “depression” today. For the first time in a long time I have motivation to get stuff done around the house and in my office. I have an overwhelming desire to “clean.” My mind seems so much clearer and I had no stuffy nose upon waking as I have since I moved here last year from Florida. Driving to the service last night I was quoting Jeremiah 29:11. Satan was trying to prevent me from going…I almost had 3 accidents and a weird worker at Wendy’s made a crude comment to me thinking he was funny. Praise God …I understood what was going on. Thanks again, Mike. Please keep me in your prayers and thank your wife for being so wonderful and encouraging to me on the phone. Beverly E./Phoenix/Aug. 2012.
Thank you for your service two Sundays ago….. I have felt lighter and enpowered! I brought a friend who I thought needed ministry, but to my suprise the Lord moved in on my heart! As I looked on your site, I noticed the scripture you had…. “they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of thier testimony..” I use to speak on occasions in Maine where I’m from…. and that was why….. I’m not a speaker, I’m a testifyer! And yes, an OVERCOMER! Thank you for your ministry! I was uncomfortable with some things at the deliverance service…. it’s been a while that I’ve been out of my comfort zone, but I have found that’s the exact place I need to be! I’ll be back to visit…. I feel very strongly your ministry has keys for my life… I’m moving forward, the tides are turing and the warmth is turing to intense heat once again! Blessings! Lisa M./Phoenix/Aug. 2012.
Good morning Brother Mike, It has been a week since I visited your ministry in Phoenix and experienced deliverance. I cannot thank you enough. Thank you so much – for your ministry, for honoring the call that God has given you and for being a faithful steward of the Word. You said I could call or email – so I’m emailing. First of all I’m so CURIOUS about your ministry and how you came to it. I wish I could get to Phoenix again and hear your story, and how God has spoken to you. Who knows how or when that would happen? Karen B./Chicago/July 2012
So proud to be a friend of Michael W. Smith! This man is a Holy Ghost filled, Kingdom empowered, preacher and devil chaser! TBN host & national evangelist Joshua Feuerstein/Phoenix/June 2012.
Brother! Thank you for the opportunity of an unforgettable children’s healing service last night. I am so grateful to you, for you. Interesting teaching tonight. I released my husband last night to the Lord in tears and sorrow and had a weight lifted just as you mentioned. What love of truth and the power of God you have. I have the bow line tugging at me with my husband but I am letting God deal with it. I want every ounce of HOH, the gifts, the servant’s heart, sacrifice, trials as I know I can handle. Thank you. Bless you and your family. Love you. Kelly B./Phoenix/June 2012
Hello Brother Mike, I wanted to let you know what happened to me. It is SO exciting. A few years ago, my girls and I were diagnosed with gluten intolerance. We had to totally change our diet and could not eat wheat, which is in almost everything. It was hard to do, especially for my girls still being school age and having parties and different foods at school. We worked through it. Then, I came to The House of Healing to bring a friend. While I was there, you pointed out to me that I had a spirit of fear. With your help, I got delivered and freed. Praise God. The next night I went to a formal dinner and all they were serving was wheat filled foods. I ate it and had NO SIDE EFFECTS. I had heard that gluten and spirit of fear were related and they ARE!!! I was totally healed from that intolerance. The next week, I brought my two daughters to the House of Healing and they got freed of fear as well. Now, we are happily all eating wheat again. Thank you so much for going against the regular flow of the “church people” and standing up and doing what Jesus has called ALL of us to do. May many blessings be given to you and your family. Blessings, Debbie H./Phoenix/May 2012
Good Morning Mike and Karen, I want to THANK YOU from the bottom of my Spirit filled heart!!! I am so grateful, I am so thankful for what you do in your ministry. I am truly a new person in Christ!!! I am in the word, read through eveything you gave me yesterday. Looked up the verses and will continue to burn those words into my heart. I pray your travels went well yeterday and that you had an awesome experience last night. Thank you again, I am humbled. Thank you for all you do for the sick and hurting people. Our tithe will continue to the cause of your ministry. We love you! Joy R. /Phoenix/May 2012
Praise God Brother Mike! I was delivered this morning! I wished I had read your page earlier to prepare for what was happening. Oh did I get ATTACKED yesterday throughout the entire day & even by my own husband. How many opportunities were present to go backwards. When I got home from your service Sunday night, I had a horrific pain that was behind my belly button and told my husband I was going to throw up. I have not had a hunger for food since Friday and this was not pains of hunger. My hunger for food is gone and still gone. I was in the Word all day Monday, had a coughing spell in the bank, threw up again and went out to my truck in the parking lot, put the seat down and just started rebuking Satan. I had a visitor who came at 2:40 am this morning and felt my hair being pulled up from the back of my neck and thought “it” was going to come through me in my ear. It startled me, not frightened me and I immediately got into the Word and again casting out IN TONGUES. I never knew I could be so hungry for God’s Word and love. I thank you for providing us the opportunity to grow in Christ and Pistis. I downloaded the Post Deliverance which am in. Halleluah!
Kelly B./Phoenix/May 2012
Good Day Brother! I am still “tingly” all over in a very giddy way (like a child!) …What an AWESOME and in awe feeling that I can honestly say I have never had the pleasure of sensing but not in the usual “sensory feel”! My head is filled with “something” in a good way. I cannot even describe it. WHAT A GIFT TO LIFE YOU ARE!! Thank you from all of my regenerated heart. Kelley B./Phoenix/May 2012
Hi Bro. Mike, I really appreciate your ministry and love your teachings. God has freed me from many demons as a result of your ministry! Thanks for praying for me last week, it helped alot. Since fear and anxiety were cast out I have been sleeping well and the knot is gone from my stomach. I am excited to watch your seminar tonight. Be blessed as You get out the truth about deliverance. Blessings. Rafe R., MN./Apr. 2012
Keep me on the email Newsletter list. You minister in most ways that other christian groups don’t do anymore due to trying to please man and being politically correct, instead of being Biblical! Carl C. /California/Apr. 2012
Dear Brother Mike,
Thank you for counselling and praying for me. There is so much that has changed in me since that time, that I am very grateful for. Ruth E./Phoenix Apr. 2012
Hello, I know you are at the Epicenter on Friday night. Will you still be doing group deliverance? I have some relatives in town that need it and want it. Please let me know. I have been delivered recently as well as my two girls. It is awesome what you do. Praise Jesus. Blessings, Debbie H./Phoenix/Mar. 2012
Bro. Mike: First, thank you for your ministry. My husband, Greg and I have been delivered and blessed from your teaching through the Holly Spirit. On our first visit my husband was delivered from 30 + years of smoking. Not only was he healed he has no rememberence of smoking! Praise God! I have been self delivered from many spirits (so many). We brought our friend Lorita and she was delivered from hate demons and sexual demons she had from years of sexual abuse from her father. Amazing!
Susan K./Phoenix/February 2012
Hello; I won’t be coming to AZ. I have been doing the self-deliverance off your web site and it’s had made a huge difference. I have been shutting off the tv at night and turning on the worship music and going thru all the steps you listed. Thank you. I sense God’s presence more than ever and a lot of the depression has lifted. I need to work on my marriage before it’s too late. Tthanks for everything, Steve C. (Washington/Feb. 2012)
WOW! Man of God, Thank you for your obedience, regarding answering the call on your life. This ministry is Amazing, Called, Set Apart and Availible for Gods people. WOW. I applaud you, your wife and your staff. When my daughters speech comes in all the way clear I hope she can come thank you all personally. One of the gentleman (the tallest man there) put me in the mind of a angel and my daughter really liked him. I listened to all the prayer that were prayed over her and he said something profound …… My daughter’s vocal cords are being released. I want you all to know Simone, age 6, has been saying VICTORY! So stay super duper encouraged and we look forward to seeing you soon. My husband is coming to get his healing. Latasha. Phoenix, AZ. Jan. 2012
I wanted to give you a “Praise Report”. After you prayed for me at that Sunday night service about a month ago…I was instantly healed and delivered from that heaviness on my chest, the onslaught of thoughts that we attacking my mind and I was delivered from the spirit of fear. I haven’t had it since then. Praise the Lord. Thank you for your ministry. I pray the Lord bless and continue to use you in a mighty way! Linda C./MN./Dec 2011
After giving financially to the Ministry of HOH Hardcore Christianity, I seen my personal business almost double in just one month. I truly believe that God has a special anointing on tithes and offerings that are given joyfully to such ministries that Destroy the Works of the Devil – 1 John 3:8, Peter V./Phoenix/Nov. 2011
PRAISE REPORT! My friend in Phoenix had your program on and the little demons in her house got upset. The electric went off and she started throwing up. The mother and the son in the house all started screaming at each other, the dog tripped over the cat little box. SHE WANTS TO LISTEN TO YOUR RADIO PROGRAM AGAIN! Praise the Lord. Merry M./Alaska/Aug./2011
Hello There! I have not forgotten you guys. I am doing wonderful at my church as part of the Alter & Healing team. I cannot forget the valuable information your ministry has given me. I am very grateful to the Lord for the wisdom and knowledge. I am very busy and heavily involved in my church, Victory Worship Center (A/G) in Tucson , Az. From time to time I refer people to your services. I thought I would let you know I am doing wonderful in the Lord. Nathan, Sells, AZ./Aug. 2011
THANK YOU, GOD BLESS AND JOHN 9:4 Mark S., July/2011
Hi Mike,
My husband Bob and I would like to register for your next seminar on June 24. Thank you. Blessings in Christ Jesus, Mike. I praise God for your heart and zeal to bring healing and wholeness to the body of Christ. Indeed, there are so many hurting people in the body of Christ, and their pain grabs God’s heart, and His heart grabs yours with His love and compassion…..for He knows He can trust you to be His hands and heart to touch His hurting sheep. It’s Christ in you, the hope of glory. Thanks for touching our lives. You and Scott are a wonderful team….may His love and protection and power keep you. May His wisdom, strength, joy and peace saturate you. May the blood of Jesus cover you and your families and your homes and all that God has given you to steward. May His love touch the deepest recesses of your hearts so that no fear is ever permitted to stay, in Jesus’ Name. He is power and grace. Bob and Karen/Phoenix/June/2011
Brother Mike and the Holy Ghost!!!!! Thanks so much for what you have done for me and my family. We came in to see you on Saturday for counseling and we left with the gift of tongues. My wife and daughters were all speaking in tongues well after we left the House of Healing! It was incredible how many demonic spirits were flying out of us. We have learned so much in the past month coming to your studies and deliverance services than we have learned in the almost 3 years we have been going to church! My family and I thank you and the Holy Ghost for our gift and for the excellent teaching you provide. We all love you and can’t wait until the next seminar!!! Peace to you and yours!!! Brother Earl/Avondale AZ./June/2011
Bro Mike, I came in to be freed. I came out renewed, restored and refreshed. I did not realize, something that seemed so simple, like God’s love, should be easy to comprehend. I had no idea. Love has taken on a new meaning. It’s not painful or discouraging and is not works. I had no idea. My view of God’s love was so distorted. His Love, is so precious, soothing, deliberate, delightful, resting, ensuring, peaceful. It is All in All, encumbering and Jesus Forever! My gums are healed. I’m healed. I can hardly move and where would I want to go anyway. ”Jesus” Overwhelming Love, MaryKay/Phoenix/June 2011
Bro. Mike: I have had more victory everyday since the last time I was at House of Healing & I am still battling. I have more understanding every day. I will be all He has called me to be. I understand there are never any vacations ever from these things & this is a war & a fight for our lives. I have been tormented for almost five years with what I have been going through & now I will never be the same. I know I am called to be a armed commander in this war. I have now taken control of the thoughts that have bombarded my mind & am having total victory over the enemy, with the understanding and power in the name of the KING JESUS, SON OF THE LIVING GOD. I have a lot of work to do in the kingdom. I am almost ready. I will see you soon my brother. Friday & Sunday. Stay blessed love you my brother. Steven B./Phoenix/May 2011
Hello Brother Mike. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions and share your testimony about self-deliverance. With your help, my faith was quickened and I was able to self-deliver after 5 days of persistent prayer. The evil spirit that was oppressing me was cast out in the name of JESUS! God showed me that the barrier to my deliverance was unbelief. After I repented of unbelief, I asked God to give me great faith. God answered my prayer and upon praying again, I commanded the demon spirit out and held onto my deliverance by faith!
I am completely free, healed and delivered! Blake in Phoenix/Apr. 2011
My cousin is really doing wonderfully and I thought on her birthday, you might like an update. Since visiting with Mike and learning how to cast out demons (I’ve been helping her since) she has gotten a great job, gotten a promotion and a raise, and TODAY she is moving out of her parent’s home into a house with two other girls she met from church. She is strong and healthy and connected to God, and continually working on her faith. Complete turnaround from a year ago. Her depression has eased, she is doing great in roller derby and has truly forgiven her ex husband. She is a bit scared about being on her own for the first time ever, but excited and happy, too. Thought you might like to know. Amy in Flagstaff/Jan. 2011
Brother Mike, Larry, his wife and awesome staff,
Thank you so much for being awesome Christians. You could not ask for more wonderful people. This ministry is so knowledgeable about the word of God and deliverance. I learned so much in the short time I was there. The deliverance services are powerful! These people truly care about you and your welfare. Brother Mike and Larry and staff showed me who Jesus really is. See, I was living in the old Testament and the devil had me bound with chains. Brother Mike opened me up and showed me how much Jehovah loves us. I am a changed man to this day because of these awesome people and the Holy Spirit. I know longer walk in bondage or torment. While I was there and still to this day. I can see the chains Satan and his demons placed in my mind being broken. The walls falling down and the annointing is really starting to flow. Thank you so much for what you have done in my life. I am a free man and a fire burning in me for God like never before. Brother Mike your book Planos spirits rocks! Ive been casting out so many rebellious spirits. Also the three spirits…Anger, lying, and fear… Phoenix you are blessed to have such a wonderful group of Christians. I had to fly all the way from Louisiana and it was well worth it. Love you, Justin in N.O., LA./Dec. 2010
Brother Mike. Thanks for prayer for heroin addiction! I did not go through any withdraws while in jail, got out early, went into out patient, church and serving God, ministering to addicts on christian web site. Jay/Phoenix/Dec. 2010
Thank u pastor mike, for helping my Husband Robert today & for giving back to me the true man I married,,,,, I thank God for your obedience in what you do for Jesus. God Bless You, Yolanda H./Phoenix/Dec. 2010
It is with my deepest gratitude I share what the Lord has done and continues to do in my life of recent. My walk with the Lord has been strong and I have been seeking him for many years with sweat and tears. I had a dramatic conversion at the age of 21 and life has never been the same! Praise God! It has happened again recently, a life changing eternal moment occurred and it has happened at your ministry via the Holy Spirit!! Thank you seems barely fitting for the magnitude of gratitude that flows from my spirit for the Holy Spirit and your courage to fight in the spirit for all of us!! Thank you Jesus for Hardcore Christianity and the power of the Holy Spirit!! It has been fifteen years and the reality of my past was still plaguing my mind, heart and some relationships, and this was realized in the word of God imparted and taught by Brother Mike! With the Knowledge of God’s word and power of the Holy Spirit I am free in so many ways now. Free in a way I pleaded with the Lord for years in prayer and countless searching moments. The gift of deliverance has freed me and continues to free me to be who I am in Christ and serve him in a way like never before. It has been 17 days since the Lord has healed me from Multiple Sclerosis at your Friday night deliverance service. I weep still with the awe of how much God loves us and how amazing His power is constant and continues to be!! Not only did the Lord heal me from MS, He has restored my heart, renewed my mind as the enemy was CAST out!! I continue to practice self-deliverance, fighting daily and attend Hardcore Christianity’s teachings and services. It is with great joy that I have been able to share the great news of deliverance with many friends! A few of my friends and people I am divinely meeting have attended a Mike’s services already, and there are more to come!! I have yet to begin to process so much of whats happened and is happening. A note of gratitude and praise for what has already begun had to be shared! All for the Lord! Thank you for raising up warrior’s in the kingdom!! Thank you for devoting your walk and life to help so many be delivered! Praise God for your sacrifices and the gifts you selflessly share with all of us! Praying for you!!! Fighting with you via the Holy Spirit!! In Christ, Rachel B., Phoenix, July/2010
Hi There!
I cannot tell you how much my times at HOH have changed me and my whole demeanor. It is not an easy road to go down, but as a new follower, I can, however, say it is definitely worth it. After attending Sunday night, I have received the gift of “laryngitis”!!! (MANY are grateful for that!!!!) But I wanted you both to know that I got up this morning and have only had to take one pain pill today, versus 6-8 daily! “STUFF” is going on big time! Joy, Phoenix, 7/10
Good Afternoon Bro. Mike & Karen,
Thank you for helping me reach my deliverance and freedom from soul wounds! I praise God for the triumph and freedom I experienced today and the breakthrough that came forth as a result. I will be able to walk freely among the earth knowing that God is the judge of all and that he is in total absolute control. God bless you and your ministry you are doing an awesome and incredible work unto the glory of God. Again I cherish your giftings and ministry gifts and praise God for all that you do and your future endeavors!!! Graciously, Stephanie, Phoenix, 7/10
Hi Mike,
Last night I just wanted to float home from the service and today I’m just still in awe. My friend invited me to the service and I had no clue that all that was going to take place. I learned so much from the seminar that I would have never gotten from Sunday School nor bible study. What you all do there is so needed. At first when you had my Friend to move and then the lights went out I was so scared. I have been scared for years of the dark, I have my lights on all the time. Friends have suggested a night light but I was afraid of that because night lights cause shadows. I had no idea all of those spirits were in me. I will be scheduling a one on one as suggested by the wonderful person that was helping me. I was telling my friend that for a while I felt like there is something that is keeping me at a distance from God. After yesterday’s experience I totally understand. I was too full of the enemy. I told my friend that once I am totally healed I hope to help your ministry in some kind of way. I know when I have more money I will be sending another offering. I know I could never make enough to pay for God’s work, but your ministry is GOOD ground to sew into. Again, thank you so very much. I know I am a nicer person today because of it. What you all do there is give life. I thank God for you all. Lacey, Phoenix, 06/10
Thank you so much for taking the time to write me. Last night I made plans to meet with the Lord, just him and I and pour myself out. I can’t even begin to explain what happened, but he showed up in my room and I wept for over an hour. Memories I had buried from past hurt surfaced up. I could see and remember the times I had been hurt and rejected, and how it opened doors for the enemy in my life. I began to renounce those sins, and one by one forgive those who had caused this pain deep inside me. I don’t think I have ever cried like that before. By the power of Jesus blood I took authority over the lust and perversion that has saturated my mind for years. Before I went to bed last night I felt something release inside me. Thank you for posting that link on self deliverance, you have no idea how helpful your site has been. I’m glad there are men of God like you out there who are following their call and not watering down the truth. I am praying God bless your ministry in a very special way. If I ever make it out to Arizona I will make it to one of your services. God bless you! Rafael, Phoenix 5/2010
Hi Brother Mike,
Just want to thank you for your ministry and allowing God to use you. I went to the last demonology training class and one private counseling session and have continually been delivered from different problems. I tried the deliverance on my own also and have been feeling the Holy Spirit in a mighty way. I feel much more focused and peaceful-Praise God He is good! I am planning on volunteering in a ministry to help prostitutes and addicts that my friend has been a part of for over 20 years. I remember you saying to be careful when you start. I know I still need more healing and I don’t want to pick anything else up or not be equip to go in. If you have any advice on this-it would be appreciated. I know the Lord has been calling me to get involved. I just want to make sure I am in the right place. Once again thanks for your help and all you do- I pray God will continue to bless you, your ministry and family. Nelly, Phoenix, 5/2010
Hi Mike,
I pray that you got home safely from Casa Grande Sat. night. I learned a lot about the supernatural spirit world and received more healing. I have never felt so much peace in my entire life, thank God! I thank God for you and I ask Him to keep you and your family under His protection always. Oh, my parents would like to make an appt. with you to on a one-on-one basis. Pat, Casa Grande 5/2010
Mike & Karen,
Thank you so much. I love you guys! God has given me such a freedom and genuine love for Him and His, I cannot stop praising and thanking Him. Just know I am totally filled with the Joy of the Lord and am not giving 10 seconds to the devil and his schemes. Today I see clearly God’s Kingdom and am keenly aware of my surroundings. I have completely remained neutral with my children and pray to keep my awareness, insights and discernment every day. I have discernment for the flesh and do not mistake it for the devil. He pulls me into His presence when I least expect it and I am obedient to comply and seek His face, and pray for humility to serve with all my heart and all my strength. Thank you for exposing the lie, and the truth about the nearness of my God. My immediate “ministry” if you will is, “My God, How He loves you”, for His people to get a revelation of that Love. In His Care, Colleen, Phoenix, 4/2010
Brother Mike,
I appreciate you so much and may God bless you a thousand times over. The heaviness on my spirit is gone. I no longer feel bitter or angry. My family is so messed up it will take a Master to heal it and bring it together again. Praise God I know the Master of impossible tasks! Most of all I feel the closeness of my Abba Father once again! My life was so dark for so long. How I praise Him that He still loves me and will forgive even as unworthy as I am. I can’t thank you enough for calling. I truly was at the end of my rope. Lovenprayers, Kit, Iowa 4/2010
Evening Mike,
ted to let you know how everything is going after my appointment with you! My eyes have really opened in a huge way! I can feel, see and hear so much more than I usually do. It’s like an evil curtain has been lifted and I am seeing into a realm that The Enemy has been hiding from me for some time now! He is not happy about it! I have been under many attacks since our meeting, some big ones at home, that I really want to sit down and talk to you about and some small ones at work. The Demon world is not happy about my new freedom and the fact that I am so quickly able to see them for what they are and where they are from and who they come from and so forth! Praise Jesus the Lord of Lords and King of Kings! With the power and authority given to us through Jesus work I can now start to further explore my calling but I am ready to just JUMP right in if he so wishes! Thank you for being available to me and my family! I will be making an appointment for my 17 year old son as he would like to be free from the Anger demon I passed on to him in his younger years! I would like to learn and grow in this area of ministry that I was so called to do by our Lord,that until now I was blocked from doing. I really appreciate your straight forward approach! Thank you Jesus! Jeff B., Phoenix, 12/09
Hello Bro. Mike:
I forgot to mention that the change in my life since we met has been unbelievable. I have more real peace than I have ever known. Since then my coworkers have remarked that something seems “calmer” about me, and a close friend did not even recognize my voice when I answered the phone yesterday. She said since she has known me, I’ve had a sort of hyper “edge” to my voice that is now gone. Steve remarked on it as well. Thursday was spent in a sort of cloudy haze, with a lot of different thoughts crowding out each other, but when I got home from work and prayed and followed your instructions… it stopped. The peace I’d felt on Wed returned, and it has stayed solid today… with no impulsive thoughts or negativity or compulsions. (Also, as an aside, I kinda grinned to myself when you repeated yourself a couple times, saying, “No men!” and was thinking, “There aren’t any around, not a problem…” Everywhere I went on Thursday, guys were introducing themselves! Cracked me up!! Thanks for the warning though… had i been ill prepared, in the state i was in Thursday, my day may have had much different ending, to my eternal regret. Anyway, just a quick note to let you know I am alive and doin’ fine, praise God. Hopefully, i will be able to make it to a Sunday night class sometime. Thanks, again, Anne, 11/09 Flagstaff, AZ
Good Morning Brother Mike,
I live in Brockton (a suburb of Boston), MA. I need to share this with you. Just after I wrote you last night, something very remarkable happened to me. It was exactly midnight here, while I was still on the computer, alone in my apartment, I heard my CD player somewhere across the room, suddenly turned on and started playing a Praise/ Worship song. It was the THIRD consecutive night this would happen this week, each time at exactly 12.00 am (midnight). On each occasion, I was certain the machine was not in anyway ON or malfunctioning. The first night (on Tuesday) this happened, though I was in serious pain and torment, I knelt down as the music began to play and thanked the Lord for sending His angel to prompt me to worship Him. For one full hour, on my knees, I was totally lost in praise/worship to God, singing along with the CD player. As soon as it was done playing, the CD player went back to OFF mode by itself. I then spent a few more time to pray and thank God before going to sleep. The next night (Wednesday), at exactly the same time, this was repeated exactly the same way, and I responded the same way. Last night (Thursday) it happened again, and as I was on my knees completely lost in worship to God, suddenly a very strong force(s) welled up from deep inside me, took over my voice and started screaming. My mouth and throat was forced open and I felt gasps of air escaping from deep within me. This continued intermittently while I continued to worship and lift up the Lord Jesus. At one time, my face and my mouth got violently twisted, I was kicking uncontrollably with my legs, screaming at the top of my voice. At the end I felt so light and relieved, and have no doubt that God has visited me. I woke up this morning feeling so great and thankful to God, knowing that something remarkable has happened to me. Please join me in thanking Him for this. Hallelujah! Tony A. 10/09
Hey Mike,
I just wanted to let you know some good news! After my appointment with you last Wednesday, I knew that I had made some head-way but was not finished. I tried to do some self-deliverance a few nights later but I didn’t get very far and just went to sleep feeling a little discouraged. I printed out the self-deliverance section off your website and had it at home when I started to sense some kind of demonic in me again last night. It was bed time (around 10pm) and I honestly did not anticipate really doing much but shutting it up so I could sleep, but I got the materials I printed out and started in and within about 45 minutes, I was manifesting again and a little while after I was expelling again. Crazy! So a whole other nest was evacuated and I spent some time in worship afterward before going to sleep at almost 2 am last night. I am still not convinced that I’m 100% free and clear of them, but I do know that last night was a major victory and even a finishing of what was started on Wednesday. I am so excited about it! I have not felt this freedom in, I don’t know how long! Thank you for all that you do, Mike! Here is some more fruit from your labor! Ashley in Sacramento, 6/09
Hi Brother Mike,
I thought you would like to hear what has been happening with my dad. As you know he came in on Sat, and you and Terry prayed for him. He called me today and told me that since prayer, he has been feeling “super.” He’s walking, talking, eating, and breathing very well. In fact he had an appointment with the specialist on Monday, and they were very suprised at the sudden change. They told him to cut back on his meds, and only take them if he felt like he needed them. Praise the Lord!!!! He was so excited, he told me to tell you “thank you so much.”: He’s been reading John, and praying 3-4 times a day. He also said to tell you that you are such a blessing, and that you’re in his prayers. Talk about amazing!!!! Also, thank you for helping my husband and myself. We have been listening to his audio bible together, and also reading and praying. It seems like a fire has been lit inside him to where he wants to seek the Lord more, which is great. My migraines are gone, I’ve been feeling very good. When I read the word, I feel that I have more understanding and am receiving more revelation. Thank you again so much for everything. Have a blessed day. Camille/Phoenix 5/09
Hey Pastor Mike,
How are you doing? I wanted to let you know that I am doing well! I am a changed person. It has been a week since my deliverance and I have been clean from pornography! This is the longest I have been porn free in a while and plan to keep going. My fiance and I met with our Pastor and decided to go through with our marriage. I moved back to my parents house until we get married so that I won’t be, in anyway tempted to do anything with her and to keep from arguing. We have been good, no arguing and we have been very positive. We got tested with a disagreement one time this week and delt with it fine. Thanks again for everything. I know it was the Lord, but He used you to help me. Thanks again. Bryan W. 3/09, Phoenix
Brother Mike:
You and I were praying and I was trying to cough something out of my throat when my daughter, Elizabeth, came running to the car from the house. Apparently while we were praying there was alot of negative activity that arose in the house. That happens when we are praying quite often. Elizabeth said she was afraid that a demon was trying to get her. so I put you on the phone with her and you and I began praying. I didn’t know what was going on but then the next thing I knew, I heard you commanding something to come out and she was screaming about something in her legs and stomach and she was writhing around, so I laid hands on her stomach and her whole body began to tremble violently. You continued to command the demon and instruct her and they began leaving her…she began to throw up and then she laid back in the car like she was resting and she said she thought they were gone. I asked her what was going on when we were praying and Elizabeth said as you and I were praying she and felt her body go hot and cold all at the same time and she said the enemy was trying to control her thoughts, saying stuff like “God doesn’t love you and because of you the demons are going to kill Kyle.” Then Jesus appeared and she said it looked like we were in heaven and he held his arms out to her and told her to come to him. She ran to him and he held her and rocked her like she was a baby and told her he loved her and that it was going to be okay. She said that every time the demon popped up and tried to scare her into stopping, Jesus appeared to her and then finally it was over. Then she started praying for me and she saw a black demon hiding inside my head and it looked like a solid black sheet/wall with yellow eyes and claws. This would make alot of sense because I had been telling you Mike, that I felt like I was being blocked from experiencing the fullness of God’s love and forgiveness. We are free now. Shelly N. 3/09
Whats up Mike?
I just wanted to say thank you for what you are doing! I had no idea I had an evil spirit living in me. I now feel like the Nate that God made me 2 be now. I’ve tried for years to get rid of my sinfull ways but kept coming back to them. Some never really even left and I ended up thinking it was just a part of who i was, even though in my heart I didnt want to do the things I did. For example, I never could stop stealing, having sex with my girlfriend, gang banging and drinking. Though I might have cut back at these things, they never stoped. Now I know that was not me and it was an evil spirit. I didn’t know I could be saved and still possesed. I’m doing good and so is my girlfriend we are helping each other to stay focused on God. I actually feel great I’m listening to more worship music and feel God with me all day. Its only been one day but it’s been a great day. No more bad thoughts or evil ways and when they might try to come back, it’s easy to keep them away. I just cut up my blue rags and dumped out two bottles of alcohol that I stole not too long ago. My girlfriend tossed out some weed that she had. I have no plans to steal anything ever again and me and my girlfriend are going to save ourselves for marriage. Me and my brother Caleb both have a strong passion to want to help other people come to God. We are on our way and now I’m not going to miss out on any more of God’s blessings. What you are doing is wonderful and I look up to you for it. Keep doing what you are doing and God bless you and yours. Thanks again. Nate, Sacramento, CA. 2/09
Hi Mike,
Big results! I immediately noticed deliverance from multiple fears that I didn’t even realize were fears. And the strangest thing has been happening. I ate food at Mcdonalds the day after you were here. Now I don’t intend to become a fat fast food fan but I don’t know what is the bigger miracle, that I wasn’t afraid to do that or that I had NO NEGATIVE REACTION TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I also have eaten two or three candy bars. Now these where not the kind you get at the circle k but health food store bars, but still and again I had no negative reaction. Even my family members are acting differently. My son who I hadn’t heard from in years called me the next day and emailed me pictures and sounded somewhat sober. He has never in his adult life called me sober. I’m not even sure if he’s been sober in his adult life before. Apparently broke his leg the day I was delivered. There is more but you get the picture. I think this is it, Mike. I’m still going for the colonics (they are good for you, everyone should go) but I feel healed. Tired and hungry but I always am after deliverance. To everything there is a season. Praise His Name and thank you. You are one of a kind. Michele, 01/09, Phoenix, AZ
Thank you and Nick so much for coming and praying. My pastor is doing well. She is very grateful for the deliverance that you did. She realizes that we would have never gotten ahold of the familiar spirits that had me in bondage. Thank you!!!!!!! Cara S., 12/09, Glendale, Az
Pastor Davies prayed for healing on my shoulder as well as impartation of evangelism. I have never been much of an evangelist but i woke up this morning thinking of “ways” to introduce the gospel. I think I received a triple whammy down here in the desert! For His glory,
Mike M. (Washington 5/08)
I began to ask God to bring to my mind every sin in my life from childhood that I may confess them and ask for forgiveness. Boy was it a lot. When Mike called I was ready for anything, I wanted to break this demonic barrier. Mike had me lay out flat on my bed and begin to do the Holy Ghost check up. Immediately I was hit by the Holy Spirit, and had chills run through my entire body. We were praying the blood of Jesus over my body. Mike had to stop for a moment and begin to pray in tongs because the Holy Spirit hit him as well. Mike said put your hand around your neck and I am going to pray. As I did I leaned my head back and opened my mouth and Mike screamed, come out in the name of Jesus and I began to cough and gag till I couldn’t hardly breath I don’t know how many demons cane out, but when I was able to breath again it was such a huge relief. I was soaking wet with sweet and I knew right then something had changed. I never through anything up as far as liquid – but the entire room had a fowl smell of vomit in it. Mike began to tell me that the demon would try to come back in through my anger. Boy was he right that night I suffer many dreams of rage and anger. Each time I would wake up, plead the blood of Jesus over me, and rebuke the dream in the name of Jesus. Never dismiss your dreams as nothing, God works in our dreams and so dose satan. Today I feel great, I can’t wait to pray over people God puts in my path and see His healing power accomplished in there life. Not my will be done but Thine.
Your brother in Christ, Frank/Kentucky, 12/08
Hi Mike,
The Lord has been ministering to me and refreshing me since you ministered to me. People are making comments on how radiant I look and beautiful and they want to hear what has happened! The worship leader’s wife at our ministry and I had a conversation last night which really encouraged me as she said it is okay that I am being careful and cautious with ministry activities. She noticed a change in me and even in my appearance spiritually. This morning as I was getting ready to open the booktables, the Lord came along and blessed me by doing some deep inner healing work. Even in the midst of this intense time of deliverance and inner cleansing work where I feel so emptied out, God has been pouring out HIS love to me through the body of Christ, including you and your team. I know that God will complete the work HE has begun in me. I want to tell you (if I haven’t already) that you and your team are so awesome. I can feel not only the authority you know you have and fully embrace, but that you are so safe to be with. You and your team are so pure in spirit that I could completely let go with security and peace. My experiences with you so far have been one of the highlights of my life as the Holy Spirit and your team and myself have all worked together to bring about my deliverance. I love how the Lord moves and how HE brings things about within HIS body and through HIS body. When I was at my most discouraging places during the sessions we have had, you and your team rose to the occasion by encouraging me, cheering me on, fighting for me, fighting with me, modeling a seeking wisdom from above and not leaning on your own understanding. When you guys starting singing about the blood of Jesus at one point when I could feel all our spirits struggling with the process, that revelation of HIS BLOOD came over me and it began to fill us all with strength and renewed courage to carry on. I am hungry for more revelation of HIS BLOOD, and even now feel that I have more of an experiential knowledge of that, as opposed to head knowledge. When you told me in an e-mail that I was worth your time and investment. I must have read and reread that 50 times as it ministered to places in my heart I had no idea I was deficient in. The very act of you and your team running this marathon with me and being willing to go the distance speaks so much love to me from the Father. You didn’t even know me, yet the compassion of Jesus was free to be expressed through you and as a result I am set free. Terri is a real treasure. Having her with me last time, especially with all the things being dealt with, was so comforting and soothing. She felt like a rock in the spirit and like an anchor and made me feel supported. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being who you are and for being willing to take up the mantle of deliverance ministry. Thank you for being willing to fight. Thank you for being willing to lay down your lives to love. Thank you for living full out in your giftings and call of God so that the body of Christ has that part that only you can bring to the table for us to feast on. For if you withheld that, we would suffer incredible loss. I have shared with all who will listen of what the Lord has done and is doing. For HE is worthy of all praise and Glory and Honor and power and blessing and riches and might and strength! Cindy S./Phoenix, 12/08.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! For being patient with me, for waiting, for not scaring me out of my wits, for making…hmmm…the deliverance process one which was not at all, in the least, terrifying…exactly the opposite, for listening, and for showing me what Jesus looks like in another human being. Now what the heck did I wait so long for, lol.?!?! Sincerely, MaryElizabeth (Phoenix) (12/08)