Hi, my name is Priscilla Frost. I heard about you guys through Isaiah saldivar on YouTube he has a map of united states with people doing deliverance. That’s how I found out about your ministry. I called and did a one on one deliverance with Rick. I manifested for almost 4 hours…. thank God I got set free from some things. I continued to do deliverance on myself and read the Word. I decided to see you guys on a Friday for deliverance service. After the service a older woman with short gray haired prayed for me and agreed with me that I would be set free from HPV. I went to doc its gone! Same year I got healed from asthma! Doc had me take a test and draw blood. Asthma is gone! This was a year or 2 ago. I’m still free! I am healthy. I got set free from strongholds. I have a relationship with God. I pray everyday and read the word. My depression left. I wake up in mornings with joy. My anger left as well, Praise God. I will never be the same…. I pray that more people get set free and more people in Arizona do deliverance, since we are all called to do so. God, bless your ministry. Agape.