This isn’t a prayer request, it’s a testimony saying thank you so much for the List you sent me. I am thinking there may still be some residue BUT I am FREE of Rejection and all his filthy friends! I, for the first time in 15 months and for several years now, have a clear mind; no tormenting thoughts, etc. I Praise God because a sister in Christ sent me the link to a podcast and then I sent a prayer request. It took me several days to completely go through the process and the grief that I experienced was so deep at times there were no words or sounds but from the depths of my being came this deep groaning. Thank you so much for being obedient to God, in spite of MANY Christians refusing to believe the WHOLE Bible and for some strange reason, our enemy, believing that the move of the Holy Spirit and His gifts are no longer in operation and believing that demonic habitation had somehow ceased! BUT, you believed and I pray God’s abundance upon you and your ministry! I honestly don’t know if I will ever make it to Arizona since I am elderly and live on a very small amount of Social Security, BUT, if God wills it I will come. Again, thank you.