I just want to say thank you so much for the amazing experience at The Arizona Deliverance Center. God is faithful and my life will never be the same. I had great deliverance on the first day first with Brother Eric and Corrina. The second day was with Brother Robert. My eyes are full of tears as I write this. Brother Robert lead me through forgiveness and healing with Jesus and the experience is something I can’t even describe in writing. The feeling I experienced still makes me cry all day sometimes. My relationship with God changed for good. I can’t wait to read His Words and talk to Him and sing for Him daily. I am now doing my self deliverance with confidence. No More Fear. Brother Ron ministered to me a lot and I am so grateful for his brotherly advice and teachings. I am so grateful for all the services and amazing people you have: Kelly, Robert, Ron, Corrina, Eric and Peter. Please pass my gratitude and greetings to all of them. May God Bless you more everyday!