Setting the BROKEN HEARTED free!
Study Booklets

Atonement Healing
A study guide on understanding the mysteries of divine healing. Thousands have been delivered from spirits and hundreds healed at the House of Healing in Phoenix. Why? Why are some healed and some not? What is the difference between a medical healing and a demonic healing? Does God make people sick? Why are so many Christians in America ill? Why are so few healed? What is a demonic illness? This study guide will open your eyes to the root causes of why people are and are not healed. 90% of the booklet is Holy Scripture! Great reference guide. Greek highlights.
By Michael W. Smith – Copyright 2014
$15.00 (Postage Paid)

Planos Spirits
A study guide on the root cause and permanent cure of mental illness. Every pastor & lay minister working with the mentally or emotionally ill needs this revelation. Every Christian human service professional needs these insights. It will save you years of frustration, repetitive treatment & confusion! Bro. Mike shares his Divine revelations and 35 plus years of counseling experience.
By Michael W. Smith – Copyright 2011, Updated 2014
$15.00 (Postage Paid)

There Really Is A Boogey Man!
The one expose’ the devil fears you will read. The monster is finally exposed through the Holy Scriptures. See Satan as you have never seen him before. Who he was. Who he is. Who he will be. Discover the secret of his power and how he controls the world (II Cor.4:4). Discover how to defeat him in your life and ministry (Updated version now available)!
By Michael W. Smith – Copyright 2010, Updated 2012
$15.00 (Postage Paid)
– CDs –
MP3 format on CD. Teachings or Seminars
Average run-time per CD – 1.5 to 2.3 hours / All teachings listed are from 2011 series except archived past shows
Author: Michael W. Smith of “The Arizona Deliverance Center” in Phoenix, AZ. Copyright 2011
All CDs are $10.00 each. This includes shipping & handling anywhere in the world.
– DVDs –
Average run-time per DVD Video – 30 min. / All teachings listed are from 2011
Author: Michael W. Smith of “The Arizona Deliverance Center” in Phoenix, AZ. – Copyright 2011
All DVDs are $15.00 each. This includes shipping and handling anywhere in the world.
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Message from Karen: Hardcore Christianity, Inc. is a non-profit Christian evangelistic ministry that specializes in reaching out to those in desperate need that are typically overlooked in traditional Christian churches. The demon oppressed and possessed and the mentally and emotionally ill frequently have nowhere to go for help, in most Christian organizations. All your donations to HCC are tax deductible. None of the donations go to salaries. Our ministry is comprised of 100% volunteers! We work from Love. Thank you for your generous support.